ENTES Produktový katalog 2013

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Vydal: - Neznámý vydavatel Autor: Elektrokomponenty

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Poznámky redaktora
$. YUKARI DUDULLUORG SAN BOLG AND SITESI 6 34775 UMRAN1YE- ISIANBUL/TÚRKIYE has QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM which fulfills the requirements the ISO 2008 Beige kapsami Ek'te verilmi§tir TURKSTANDARDLAI TURKISH STANDARD ISTITUSU INSTITUTION TSE GENEL SE1CRETERI Secretary General ofTSH Ahmet ÍT TSE BASKA' President qfT ř Tahir flfl ACTGII Scope the certificate given annex Beige /Certificate No K Y-502-03/KG-97/10-R Beige Tarihi Date Certificate 22.2010 Gegerlilik Tarihi Valid Until 22. Bu beige belgelendirme $arilarina uygunluK saglandigi surece geferlidir This certificate valid provided that compliance with the certification requirement maintained .2013 Revizyon Tarihi Date Revision 22.2010 Turk SlandarOlau Enstltúsu Turk Akredltasyon Kutumu TURKAK tarafmdan akredite ediimistir, Turkish Standards Institution, has been accredited the Turklsti Accreditation Agency TURKAK.11. TURKISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION hereby certifies that the organization ENTES KTRONÍK CtHAZLAR ÍMALAT TÍCARET A. YUKAR1 UUDUILUORO SAN BOLG AND STTESI 6 34/75 0MRAM1YE- ISTANBUL TlíRKtYE kurulufunun ISO l)001:2008 jartlarina uvgun bir KA[ I YÔNľTlM StSTEMfNE sahip oldngunu onaylar K Q TSE-ISO-EN 9000.> 0 TURKÄIK Kalíte Yonstim Si&iemi TS ISO/IEC 17021 A -0002-YS KALÍTE YÔNETÍM SÍSTEMÍ BELGESÍ QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE Partner of OiHfc IttM CHT1IHĽA1IONNEtVKJlW TURK STANDARDLARI ENSTlTUSU bu belge ile f KM ELEKTRONÍK CÍHAZLAR ÍMALAT VETÍCARET A.$.11.11