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Poznámky redaktora
DESCRIPTION Receivers 3299. When the blind moving upwards [downwards] and the lower [upper] part of the control element pressed, the blind stops for approx. 1). In one-push-button mode, relays and are activated and deactivated alternately each pressing transmitter’s control element (to move blinds upwards and downwards).) F3,15/1500A 250 V TECHNICAL DATA Nominal voltage: Nominal output: Switching element: Relay make-time: Fuse (*): Conductor cross section: max.. Ecnu BpeMe gBuweHue HanpaBneHuu BBepx [bhu3] HawaTb HuWHroro [eepxH oo] HacTb KnaBumu, pene BbiKnroHaeice ucieHeHuu npu6nu3UTenbH0 0,5 BKnroHaeice gpyroe pene gne gBuweHue B o6paTHyro ciopoHy. 2-d) from the power unit (a).) approx. Press the same part of the control element again deactivate the relay the blind stops. 3anucb Koga naM eib npueMHuKa uHuu,uupyeice BbiKnroHeHueM BbxogHoro pene. npuMeHaHua: B naMRmb npueMHuKa xho 3anucamb MaKcuManbHo mpu Koda. Stopping the movement indicates storing the code into receiver’s mem­ ory.r. OdHoKaHanbHbiú pexuM nporpaMMupyeice TonbKO nocne Hawaiue OgHO/ KHonoK nro6oro nepegaTHUKa, TaKwe npu ogHOBpeMeHHOM HawaTuu o6eux BepxHux, nu6o o6eux huwhux KHonoK HeTbipexmonoHHoro nepegaTHUKa (OgHOBpeMeHHO HawaTbie KHonKu tohku 3peHue #yHKU,uu paBH0u,eHHwe).cz E-mail: epj. 0,5 sec. 2-d) slide suitable tool the notches pro­ vided its left and right sides, pull the frame (c) together with the control unit. max. With 4-button transmitters, two-push-button mode set by pressing all the four buttons. nepegaTHUKu KOMMyrupyroice npuëMHUKOM nocpegciBOM KogupoBaHHoro paguocurHana. INSTALLATION Installation only carried out qualified electricians.. nepegaTHUKu ^EXM 433 nepeHocHbe (HanpuMep, 3299-13900) unu HacieHHbie gu3ai/iHe Tango®, Element®, Time® (HanpuMep, 3299A-11900). Notes No more than three codes can stored into receiver’s ory. Czech Republic Tel.-A33100 KOMMyTnpytOTcn c nepegaTHUKaMu cucieMbi 6ecnpoBogHoro ynpaBneHue «BOSys». fln ogHOKaHanbHoro pewuMa HawaTb gBa pa3a ogHO Tpe6yeMbix KHonoK nepegaTHUKa. Press twice one desired transmitter’s but­ ton set the one-push-button mode. 2,5 mm2 (screw-type terminals) Protection level: 20 Operating temperature: -10 +55 °C Operating frequency: 433,92 MHz Number codes: 224 Range: approx. E lektro-Praga A Resslova 3 466 Jablonec N. Puc. (after short pressing 0,5 sec. depth mm) using fastening screws (the holes are apart) or using claws. COMPATIBILITY Receivers 3299. ba d e . yCTAHOBKA nodKnoveHue ycmpoúcmea snernpuvecK cemu uMeem npaeo ocytuecmennmb monbKo nuuo coom eem eyow eú snem pom exH uvecm KeanuôuKauueú. It forbidden any technical modifikations the device! Hereby, ENIKA spol. the programming mode has been active for more then sec. nPO IPO IE Kog Kawgoro Bbi6paHHoro nepegaTHUKa He06x0guM0 3anucaTb naMeib npueMHuKa.N-3299A-A33 (2D-2006/01) II» Ml»» 3299A-A33100 3299E-A33100.abb.com Blind Switch with Receiver for Wireless Control System Instruction stallation and use 230 (±10 %), Hz max.abb-epj. Fig. Attach wires (Fig. • Press twice both transmitter’s upper and lower buttons simultaneously to set the two-push-button mode. noBTopHbiM HawaTueM Ha ^Ty HacTb KnaBumu pene BbiKnroHaeice gBuweHue wanro3u ociaHaBnuBaeice. 2-d) cHUMUTe uHcipyMeHTOM Mewgy 60KOBOM HacTbro KnaBumu ynpaBneHue paMKOi/i (c), unu noieH yrb 3a paMKy.-A33100 are intended control sun-blinds, roller blinds etc., declares that these devices 3299A-A33100 and 3299E-A33100 are compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions Directive 1999/5/ES. npegoxpaHUTenbHOM Hexne Haxoguice oguH 3anacH0i/i npegoxpaHUTenb. Remote control: Using transmitter, the device can operated either in two-push-button mode, one-push-button mode (see “Programming”). The one-push-button mode set not only pressing one button any transmitter, but also coincidental pressing two upper (or two lower) but­ tons case 4-button transmitters (these buttons are equivalent func­ tion, then). 1 L / Fig. • npueMHUK BBecTu pewuM nporpaMMupoBaHue: MuHUMyM pa3 HawaTb HuWHroro HacTb KnaBumu npueMHuKa pene gne gBuweHue B HanpaBneHuu BBepx BKnroHaeice. Press the upper [low er] part the control element longer activate the relay [2] until the control element released. 3299A-11900). neped HavanoM vcmaHoeKu omKnovume cemeeoe numaow. cunoByro HacTb ycTaHOBUTe paMKy (c) eBneeice cociaBH HacTbro nociaBKu. flnuTenbHoe Hawaiue BepxHeM [HuxHeú] Haciu KnaBumu ycipo/cTBa BKnroHaeT BbixogHoe pene [ž]. fleMOHTaw KnaBumy npueMHUKy (Puc. Fasten the power unit (Fig.). There one spare cut-out fuse the fuse case inside the device. nocne nogKnroHeHue nuiarow,ero HanpeweHue mowho nogKnroHeHHbiM gBuraieneM wanro3u ynpaBneib HawaTueM KnaBumu npueMHuKa (e) cMOTpu TeKciy ganbme. ^EXM 433 BbiKnroHaTenb wanroi3u npueMHuKOM CRU) ana 6ecnpOBOflHOM cucTeMbi ynpaBneHua iH ycTaHO BKe cnO nb3O uro TEXHI^ECKHE flAHH blE nuTaro^ee HanpeweHue: 230 (±10% l"u, Tok oTKnroHeHue M3kc.: +420 483 364 111 Fax: +420 483 312 059 http://www.; ynPAB^EHME ycipo/cTBO ynpaBneeice nu6o HawaTueM KnaBumy (Puc. and no valid transmitting code has been received, the programming mode is cancelled automatically. flByxKaHanbHbM pewuM cooTBeTcTByeT pyHHOMy ynpaBneHuro KnaBumeM npueMHuKa.-A13100 are designated for commu­ nication with transmitters the BOSys remote con­ trol system. The two-push-button mode corresponds the local control. Local control: Press the upper part the control element shortly to activate the output relay for the constant period approx. Transmitters communicate with receivers via the coded radio signal. m (*) . • Activate the programming mode: Press the lower part the receiver’s control element times least. Ecnu nocne nepexoga pewuM nporpaMMupoBaHue B TeHeHue ceKyHg npuHei gei/icTByrow,ui/i Kog nepegaTHUKa, to pewuM nporpaMMupoBaHue aBTOMaiuHecKu OTMeHeice. variety transmitters can used: hand transmitters (e. • fln yciaHOBKu gByxKaHanbHoro pewuMa guciaHU,uoHHoro ynpaBneHue HawaTb gBa pa3a ogHOBpeMeHHO BepxHroro HuWHroro KHonKy Bb6paHHoro nepegaTHUKa. 2-e), nu6o guciaHquoHHWM ynpaBneHueM noMorn,bro 3anporpaMMupoBaHHbix nepegaTHUKOB (MaKc. Take the device out the box and separate the control unit (Fig. Pene BKnroHeHHbiM, noKa HawuMaemb KnaBumy.jablonec@cz. After supply voltage has been applied, connected consumers can controlled pressing receiver’s control ele­ ment (e). Dismounting To remove the control unit (Fig. min. The relay (upwards) makes. COBMECTHMOCTb ripHeMHMKM 3299. minutes - move the blind its upper end position. PROGRAMMING The code each transmitter used must stored into receiver’s memory. • Repeat the procedure for next transmitter. D isconnect supply voltage before you start installing the device! Wiring and mounting The device installed into conventional flush-mounting wall box (min. 2-e) remotely, means code transmitters pcs. EguHuuy ynpaBneHue (d) ocTopowHO yciaHOBUTb pa3^eMOM cunoByro HacTb. 3299-13900 surface mounted transmitters in product ranges Tango®, Element®, Time®(e. 2 OPERATION The device can controlled either directly pressing its control element (Fig.ee HanpRxeHue! nOgKnroHeHue MOHTaw ycipo/cTBO npegHa3HaHeHO gne MOHTawa TunoByro BHyrpeHHroro ^ne^cTpuHecKyro ycTaHOBOHHyro KopoöKy (muh. Fit the frame (c), which not part delivery, the power unit and attach the control unit (d) inserting its plug carefully. PyHHoe ynpaBneHue: KopoTKUM HawaTueM BepxHeM [HuxHeú] Haciu KnaBumu npoucxoguT BKnroHeHue BbixogHoro pene Ha #uKcupoBaHHoe yciaHOBneHHoe BpeMe (Tpu MUHyrbi) gne nogHeiue wanro3u BepxHee [HuxHee] KOHeHHoe nonoweHue. fln guciaHU,uoHHoro ynpaBneHue mowho ucnonb3OBaib Tpex nepegaTHUKOB (nepeHocHbie, unu HacieHHbie gu3ai/iHe Tango, Element®, Time®). koc 0,8; 230 AC, l"u, SneMeHT OTKnroHeHue: pene BpeMe 3aMbiKaHue pene: npu6nu3uienbH0 MUHyrbi (npu KopoTKOM Hawaiuu 0,5c) 3aw,UTa (*): 3/1500 250 B CeHeHue npoBoga: MaKc.o. 1). cos 0,8; 230 AC, Hz relay pcs. next (fourth) code replaces the first (oldest) code the memory. Puc. OgHOBpeMeHHbiM HawaTueM Bcex KHonoK HeTbpexKHonoHHoro nepegaTHUKa yciaHOBUTce deyxKaHanbHbiú pexuM. CunoByro HacTb (Puc.g. and then moves the opposite direction. nporpaMMupoBaHueM ganbHe/m ero (HeTBepioro) Koga nepBbii/i 3anucaHHbiM Kog. • fln nporpaMMupoBaHue ganbHe/m ero nepegaTHUKa npueM nogxogoB nOBTOpUTb. nogmroHUTe npoBogKy (Puc.-A33100 npegHa3HaHeHbi gne pyHHoro gne guciaHU,uoHHoro 6ecnpoBogHoro ynpaBneHue MapKU3, ponnei, wanro3u unu aHanoruHHbix yciaHOBOK ganbHe/meM TeKcTy TonbKO wanro3u).g. (Rx Tango R) (Rx Element/Time R) C m d m C r C u C M A s.. rnyöuHa mm). three transmitters (portable version version the Tango®, Element® Time® product ranges) can used for remote control. o. 2,5 (BUHTOBbie KneMMbi) CieneHb 3aw,UTbi: (EN 60529) Pa6oHae TeMnepaiypa: +55 °C Pa60Hae HacTOTa: 433,92 MTu, KonuHecTBO KogoB: 224 flanbH ocib gei/icTBue: npu6nu3uienbH0 m (*) . rnaBy «nporpaMMupoBaHue»).. mTyKu). (further noted “blinds”) both local manual control and wireless remote control. 2-a) in FM wall box (b) that the terminals point downwards. flucTaHuuoHHoe ynpaBneHue: noMorn,bro nepegaTHUKa mowho ycipo/cTBOM ynpaBneib nu6o gByxKaHanbHOM, nu6o ogHOKaHanbHOM pewuMax (cm. O HKUH H npueMHUKu 3299. B OgHOKaHanbHOM pewuMe OTgenbHbiM HawaTueM KnaBumu nepegaTHUKa nonepeMeHHO BKnroHaroice BbiKnroHaroice pene (gne gBuweHue B HanpaBneHuu BBepx BHU3). 2-a) ycTaHOBUTe ycTaHOBOHHyro Kopo6Ky (b) T3k, hto coeguHUTenbHbie KneMMbi 6binu HanpaBneHbi bhu3