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Poznámky redaktora
2. O H npueMHUKU 3299. npuMenaHufl: B naMRmb npueMHuKa oxho 3anucamb MaKcuManbHo mpu Koda (He3aBucuMo 3anporpaMMupoBaHHOM 0yHKU^u). BwxoflHoe pene BKnroHaeTcn [ebKnovaemcz]. Ecnu nepefl BbKnroHeHueM HawaTb BepxHroro HacTb KnaBumu, to 3ana3flbiBaHue BbKnroHeHun ycTaHOBUTcn cHOBa Tpu MMHyrbi. There one spare cut-out fuse the fuse case inside the device. next (fourth) code replaces the first (oldest) code in the memory. nporpaMMupoBaHue oTnuHaeTcn cnyHae BbKnroHaTenn [maÚMepa]: • npueMHMK BBecTUb pewuM nporpaMMupoBaHun:Ecnu npueMHUK flonweH paöoTaTb KaK BbiKnroHaTenb [maÚMep], MUHUMyM pa3 HawaTb HUWHroro [eepxHoo] HacTb KnaBumu npueMHMKa. and valid transmit­ ting code has been received, the programming mode cancelled auto­ matically. Fit the frame (c), which not part delivery, the power unit and attach the control unit (d) inserting its plug carefully. ^EXM 433 BbiKnroHaTenbc npueMHuKOM Cru) ana 6ecnp0B0flH0M cucTeMbi ynpaBnem MHCïpy^Hfl noycTaHOBKe ucnonb30BaHuw TE I^E flA lE nuTaro^ee HanpnweHue: 230 (±10%), fy Mow,HOCTb oTKnroHeHun: 750 ann naMn HaKanuBaHun unu ranoreHHbix naMn 230 B, 500 Ann HU3KOBonbTHwx ranoreHHbix naMn, CUHflyKTUBHbIM TpaHC^OpMaTOpOM 350 nK>MMMHMCu,eHTbix naMn SneMeHT oTKnroHeHun: pene 3aw,MTa (**): 4/1500 250 B CeHeHue npoBOflKu: MaKC. DESCRIPTION Receivers 3299. Fasten the power unit (Fig. . 2-e) remotely, means code transmitters pcs. rnyöuHa ).g. • Repeat the procedure for next transmitter.. n HavanoM ycmaHoeKu Knovum cem eeoe num aow . three transmitters (portable version version the Tango®, Element® Time® product ranges) can used for remote control. The output contact will make [break]. rnaBy «nporpaMMupoBaHue»). Disconnect supply voltage before you start installing the device! W iring and mounting The device installed into conventional flush-mounting wall box (min. Press twice one desired transmitter’s but­ ton set the one-push-button mode.). EflUHUuy ynpaBneHun (d) ocTopowHo ycTaHOBUTb pa3^eMOM cunoByro HacTb.: +420 483 364 111 Czech Republic Fax: +420 483 312 059 http://www. In one-push-button mode, the relay contact makes and breaks alternately (each time transmitter’s control element pressed). However, function the receiver’s control element always determined the function the latest code having been programmed. Fig.o. noflKnroHUTe npoBOflKy (Puc. depth mm) using fastening screws (the holes are apart) or using claws. Transmitters communicate with receivers via the coded radio signal. B OflHOKaHanbHOM pewuMe mowho KOHTaKT BwxoflHoro pene TonbKo noBTopHo 3aMbKaTb (3ana3flbBaHueBbKnroHeHun 6yfleT cHOBa ycTaHaBnuBaTbcn Tpu MUHyTb); pyHHoe BbKnroHeHue HeBO3MoWHo.g. The one-push-button mode set not only pressing one button any transmitter, but also coincidental pressing two upper (or two lower) but­ tons case 4-button transmitters (these buttons are equivalent func­ tion, then). Dismounting To remove the control unit (Fig. Switch mode Local control: Press the upper [bwer] part the control element make [break] the output relay contact.. Ecnu nepeflaTHUK HanporpaMMupoBaH 0yHKU,uu BbKnroHaTenn, HywHo 3anucaTb ^TOT nepeflaTHUK pa3bi 0yHKU^u TaMMepa.. again. 2-d) slide suitable tool the notches pro­ vided its left and right sides, pull the frame (c) together with the control unit. Storing the code into receiver’s memory not indicated. 2-e 6o flucTaHuuoHHo noMo^bro 3anporpaMMupoBaHHbix nepeflaTHMKOB KOfla (MaKc. The two-push-button mode corresponds the local control.-A13100 are designated for commu­ nication with transmitters the BOSys remote con­ trol system. Puc. Remote control: Using transmitter, the device can operated either in two-push-button mode, one-push-button mode (see “Programming”).jablonec@cz. 2,5 mm2 (screw-type terminals) Protection level: 20 Operating temperature: -10 +55 °C Operating frequency: 433,92 MHz Number codes: 224 Range: approx. YcrpoMcTBO $yHKUMM BbiKnwsaTena PyHHoe ynpaBneHue: HawaTueM BepxHeM [HuxHeú] HacTU KnaBumu ycTpoMcTBa npou3OMfleT BKnroHeHue [ebixnoveHue] BbixoflHoro pene. Remote control: Using transmitter, the device can operated either in two-push-button mode, one-push-button mode (see “Programming”). 2-a) in FM wall box (b) that the terminals point downwards. cunoByro HacTb ycTaHOBUTe paMKy (c) nBnneTcn cocTaBHoM HacTbro nocTaBKM. 3299-13900 surface mounted transmitters in product ranges Tango®, Element®, Time®(e. 2,5 mm2 (BUHTOBbie KneMMbi) CTeneHb 3aw,UTbi: (EN 60529) PaöoHan TeMnepaTypa: -10 flo +55 °C PaöoHan HacTOTa: 433,92 MTu, KonuHecTBo KOflOB: 224 flanbHOCTb fleMcTBun: npu6nu3UTenbHo m (*) . the transmitter has been programmed for the switch mode, you must store this transmitter the timer mode times in row.com Switch with Receiver for Wireless Control System Instructions for installation and use < D TECHNICAL DATA Nominal voltage: Nominal output: 230 (±10 %), Hz 750 for 230 incandescent halogen lamps 500 for low-voltage halogen lamps connected via conventional (coiled) trans­ former 350 for uncompensated fluorescent lamps Switching element: relay Fuse (*): F4/1500A 250V Conductor cross section: max. compliance with the essential re­ quirements and other relevant provisions Directive 1999/5/ES. Attach wires (Fig. • fln nporpaMMupoBaHun cneflyro^ero nepeflaTHUKa npou,eflypy nOBTOpUTb. flucTaHuuoHHoe ynpaBneHue: noMow,bro nepeflaTHUKa mowho ycTpoMcTBOM ynpaBnnTb flByxKaHanbHOM, OflHOKaHanbHOM pewuMe (cm. Change transmitter’s operating mode: the transmitter has been programmed for the timer mode, you must store this transmitter the switch mode times row. INSTALLATION Installation may only carried out qualified electricians. YcTpoMcTBO ^yHKUMM TaMMepa PyHHoe ynpaBneHue: nocne HawaTun BepxHroro HacTb KnaBumu ycTpoMcTBa npou3oMfleT BKnroHeHue BbixoflHoro pene Tpu MUHyTb. In one-push-button mode, the relay contact can only make repeatedly (the switch-off delay resets minutes each time); the relay contact cannot be broken manually. 1). 2 Timer mode Local control: the upper part the control element pressed, the output relay contact makes for the period min. nepeflaTHUKU cBn3biBaroTcn npuëMHUKOM nocpeflcTBOM KOflupoBaHHoro pafluocumana. 2-d) cHUMUTe ycTaHOBKOM npuroflHoro UHcTpyMeHTa Mewfly 6okobom HacTbro eflUHUu,bi ynpaBneHun paMKOM (c), unu noTAHyTb paMKy. The two-push-button mode corresponds the local control. 3anucb KOfla naMnTb npueMHMKa UHUu,uupyeTcn., declares that these devices 3299A- A23100. PROGRAMMING The code each transmitter used must stored into receiver’s memory. Press the lower part of the control element break the relay contact instantly. ynPA ^EH E ycTpoMcTBo ynpaBnneTcn HawaTueM KnaBumy (Puc. flByxKaHanbHbiM pewuM cooTBeTcTByeT pyHHOMy ynpaBneHuro KnaBumeM npueMHMKa.g.r. BblHbTe ycTpOŇcTBO KOpOÖKM OTfleiUTe KiaBUmy npMeMHMKOM (Puc.. Different functions can assigned particular transmitters e.-A23100 npeflHa3HaneHb ann MecTHoro ann flMCTaHU,MOHHoro 6ecnpoBOflHoro ynpaBneHun ^neKTpo^OTpe6uTennMU. With 4-button transmitters, two-push-button mode set by pressing all the four buttons. mTyKu). 1. 1. 2-d) from the power unit (a). COMPATIBILITY Receivers 3299. flucTaHuuoHHoe ynpaBneHue: noMow,bro nepeflaTHUKa mowho ycTpoMcTBOM ynpaBiATb flByxKaHanbHOM, OflHOKaHanbHOM pewuMe (cm. o.cz E-mail: epj. M3MeHeHue ôyHKüuu nepeaaTHUKa: Ecnu nepeflaTHUK HanporpaMMupoBaH b 0yHKUUM TaMMepa, HywHo 3anucaTb ^TOT nepeflaTHUK pa3bi b 0yHKUUM BbKnroHaTenn. variety transmitters can used: hand transmitters (e. 1 a b OPERATION The device can controlled either directly pressing its control element (Fig..ee HanpRxeHue! noflKnwseHM MOHTa» ycTpowcTBo npegHa3HaHeHo ann MOHTawa TunoByro BHyTpeHHroro ^neKTpuHecKyro ycTaHOBOHHyro KopoöKy (mmh. Elektro-Praga A Resslova 3 466 Jablonec Tel.. npegoxpaHMTenbHOM Hexne HaxoguTcn oguH 3anacHOM npegoxpaHUTenb. max. two transmitters may work switches, one timer. and 3299E-A23100. B oflHOKaHanbHOM pewuMe KOHTaKT pene pa3MbiKaeTcn 3aMbKaeTcn nonepeMeHHo. After supply voltage has been applied, connected consumers can controlled pressing receiver’s control ele­ ment (e). • fln ycTaHOBKM flByxKaHanbHoro pewuMa flucTaHU,uoHHoro ynpaBneHun HawaTb flBa pa3a oflHOBpeMeHHo BepxHroro HUWHroro KHonKy BböpaHHoro nepeflaTHUKa. flByxKaHanbHWM pewuM cooTBeTcTByeT pyHHOMy ynpaBneHuro KnaBumeM npueMHMKa. HawaTueM HUWHeM HacTM KnaBumu mowho nro6oe BpeMn BbixoflHoe pene BbKnroHUTb. The device can used dimmer or timer, based programming. flnn flucTaHuuoHHoro ynpaBneHun mowho ucnonb3OBaTb flo Tpex nepeflaTHMKOB (nepeHocHbie, unu HacTeHHbie flH3ai/iHe Tango®, Element®, Time®). Programming procedure differs case switch [timer] mode: • Activate the programming mode: select the switch [timer] mode, press the lower [upper] part the receiver’s control element times at least. It forbidden any technical odifikations the device! Hereby, ENIKA spol. nporpaMMupoBaHueM flanbHeMmero (HeTBepToro) KOfla cTupaeTcn nepBbM 3anucaHHbM KOfl. Take the device out the box and separate the control unit (Fig. Each next pressing within this period resets the switch-off delay min. flBa nepeflaTHUKa MoryT paöoTaTb KaK BbiKnroHaTenb, TpeTuM MoweT paöoTaTb KaK TaMMep. • Press twice both transmitter’s upper and lower buttons simultaneously to set the two-push-button mode.-A23100 are intended control electrical appliances (both local manual control and wireless remote control). Ns 2-d) cunoBoM HacTM (a). CunoByro HacTb (Puc. OflHOBpeMeHHWM HawaTueM Bcex KHonoK HeTbipexKHonoHHoro nepeflaTHUKa ycTaHOBUTcn deyxKaHanbHbiú pexuM. fln oflHOKaHanbHoro pewuMa HawaTb flBa pa3a oflHo TpeöyeMwx KHonoK nepeflaTHUKa. 2-a) ycTaHOBUTe ycTaHOBOHHyro KopoöKy (b) TaK, hto 6bi coeflMHMTenbHbie KneMMbi 6binu HanpaBneHbi bhm3.-A13100 KOMMyTnpyiOTcn c nepeflaTHUKaMU cucTeMb éecnpoBOflHoro ynpaBneHun «BOSys».abb. fleMOHTa» EflUHUuy ynpaBneHun (Puc. OyHKU,un KnaBumu npueMHMKa Bcerfla onpefleneHa 0yHKU,ueM b nocneflHuM pa3 nporpaMMupyeMoro KOfla.N-3299A-A23 (2C-2006/01) i m p 3299A-A23100 3299E-A23100. nepegaTHUKM pyHHbe J 433 (HanpuMep, 3299-13900) unu HacTeHHbe flU3aMHe Tango®, Element®, Time® (HanpuMep, 3299A-11900). 3299A-11900). Ecnu nocne nepexofla pewuM nporpaMMupoBaHun TeHeHue ceKyHfl npuHnT fleMcTByro^uM Kog, nepeflaTHUKa, pewuM nporpaMMupoBaHun aBToMaTuHecKu oTMeHuTcn. rnaBy «nporpaMMupoBaHue»). (Rx Tango) (Rx Element/Time) CcZ) Spínač přijímačem dK> Spínač prijímačom Cgb) Switch with Receiver d BbiKnronaTenb npueMHUKOM ABB s.abb-epj. the program­ ming mode has been active for more then sec. COBMECTMMOCTb npueMHMKM 3299. 1). n IE Kofl Kawfloro BböpaHHoro nepeflaTHUKa HeoöxoflUMo 3anucaTb naMnTb npueMHMKa. OdHoKaHanbHbiú pexuM ycTaHaBnuBaeTcn TonbKo HawaTueM oflHoM M3 KHonoK nroöoro nepeflaTHUKa, oflHOBpeMeHHo TaKwe npu oflHOBpeMeHHOM HawaTUM o6eux BepxHux o6eux hmwhmx KHonoK HeTbpexKHonoHHoro nepeflaTHUKa (oflHOBpeMeHHo HawaTbe KHonKU c TOHKU 3peHun 0yHKU,UM paBHou,eHHwe). nocne nogKnroHeHun nuTarow,ero HanpnweHun mowho noflKnroHeHHWMU noTpeöuTennMU ynpaBnnTb HawaTueM npueMHUKa (e) cMOTpu TeKcTy flanbm e. nepedamvuKu Moaym uMemb pa3nuvHbie <fiyHKU,uu Hanp. cooTBeTcTBUu MeTOflOM nporpaMMupoBaHun mowho npueMHUK ucnonb3OBaTb #yHKU,uu BbiKnroHaTenn, unu #yHKU,uu TaMMepa. m (*) . Notes No more than three codes can stored into receiver’s memory (no matter which function set). yCTAHO BKA nodKnoveHue ycmpoúcmea snernpuvecKou cemu UMeem npaeo ocytuecmenzmb monbKO nuuo coomeemcmeyoweú snempomexHuvecmú KeanuóuKauueú