ENCENTRUM (datasheety mix)

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet MIX datasheetů a jiných letáků  |

Vydal: En-Centrum, s.r.o. Autor: ENcentrum

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Poznámky redaktora
■Dorsal attachement point. Belt for holding the work position. lateral holding rings. Lets you regulate descent.25 kg L large MO-68/15 Anti-fall harness Designed for linemen. EN 358 361 Double safety descent device Articulated stainless steel cam. Aluminium housing. Dorsal and sternal attachement points. Must used only ith special rope delivered with the device. EN 361 C€ MD-02 * add size: S/M/L small medium large Weight: 0. Anti-fall grip EN 361 C€ The safety block runs freely its rope but can automatically locked case sudden downward drop.50 Length: 2.Personnelprotective equipment Head and eyes protection Insulating rubber gloves i Insulating ats and platform s Eq rkin pole Harness ■Basic ti-fa harness. Tether rope polyamide 014 mm. Hooks belt ith rapid link. EN 353-2 C€ MO-68/10 * add size: S/M/L small medium With rope Weight: 2. High-resistance handle. Operates ith 9-12 diameter lanyard. EN 358 c ■M 1 C€ KIT-56/1 KIT-56/2 Complete set ith harness belt size (M) Complete set ith harness belt size (L) MO-52-L Length: Weight: kg .32 Kg Tether rope with energy absorber Working pole kits Composition: harness belt ref: MO-71-M MO-71-L anti grip ith meters rope réf: MO-68/15 Snap hooks ref: MO-55/1 carrying bag ref: M-87295. EN 355 C€ C€ MO-52020 MO-52021 Length: 1.30 With rope Weight: 3.00 m Equipped rope straps with lever stretcher Equipped ith adjuster. Ideal for evacuation. ■Adjustable shorts