EMPOS měřicí přístroje (datasheety mix)

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet MIX datasheetů a jiných letáků  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: EMPOS spol. s r.o.

Strana 4 z 55

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Poznámky redaktora
05 Ian 0.. 1.1 0..01 0. max.0 .00 . 99...1 Ian: Ordering information Standard set 3125 Resolution 0.1 0..1 0. 99. 499.2 Ian .0 .. Ljubljanska SI-1354 orjul Tel: 386 (0)1 200 Fax: 386 (0)1 226 E-mail: tre tre l.2 Ian type, Ian mA) 0.99 20.1 Hz Accuracy ±(5 reading digits) ±10 reading ±20 reading ±(5 reading digits) reading ±10 reading ±(3 reading digits) reading reading ±(5 reading ±(5 reading ±10 reading ±10 reading ±(5 reading ±(5 reading ±10 reading ±10 reading ±(2 reading digits) digits) Insulation resistance (EN 61557-2) Continuity 200 conductor with polarity change (EN 61557-4) Loop impedance (EN 61557-3) • rry tra lead, 1..99 0.0 .1 Ian - Trip-out current 0....1 Ian ±0.9 .0 .9 100 .5 Ian type, Ian mA) Optional accessories Photo rder No.d.99 20..s ttp ://w tre l. 19.01 0.1 0.9 100 .00 .1 Ian (AC type) 0.. time 0.00 .. 999 1.9 500 kVDc: 0.2 Ian .0 . 40..0 . 199.1 Ian ±0..3 3.1 0.0 .1 0. 99.2 Ian . .2 rechargeable batteries, size 600 CAT III; 300 CAT double insulation RS232 and USB 140 230 1. 199. 550 0.... 999 0.2.9 200 .99 20...99 10. 19..5 m Line impedance (EN 61557-3) Voltage Frequency Phase sequence (EN 61557-7) RCD testing (EN 61557-6) Contact voltage Trip-out time Uc 5 digits) digits) • pcs (blue, black, ile lip (blue, black, gre tte rie tru tio l 2 digits) ±(0.9 200 ..... 9.... A 1154 Test lead, black, m A 1168 Plug r A 1175 Tip r A 130 3 S han stra p METREL® Measuring and Regulation Equipment Manufacturer M ETR d.0 .99 .05 Ian 0... 2... 9.99 10.. 9.2. 19.00 ..01 0.1 0.2 reading digits) • tru tio and lib tio rtific te 10 mA, mA, 100 mA, 300 mA, 500 mA, 0...5 alcaline 1...9 20..1 0.1 0.05 Ian (-0% +15%) reading ±10 (-0% /+15%) reading ±0.00 . 1999 0.00 .01 0...s i m 9 A 1289 S rry bag A 1271 S all rry bag N lig tim liv tic ....99 10.. 1. 99.Technical specifications Function Measuring range 50, 100, 250 0. 999 1.0 .1 0..9 100.00 .01 0. 9....0 kg A 1160 Fast charger ith set pcs batteries A r * A 1198 M tic e A 115 3 Test lead, black, m •v Large LCD ith backlight and LED indicators for PASS FAIL evaluation test results.00 ..9 1.01 0.. Decription A 111 0 Three phase adapter General Power supply Overvoltage category Protection class COM port Dimensions Weight s * A 1111 Three phase adapter ith itc h 6 1. 9. 19... 99.0 .. User friendly keyboard enables simple and fast adjustm ent