EMPOS měřicí přístroje (datasheety mix)

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Vydal: EMPOS spol. s r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
Testing and systems. Online voltage monitoring: onitors all volt­ ages real-time. RCD testing (general and selective, type AC, A). TRMS voltage and frequency.3125 EurotestCOMBO ■ andheld ltifun ctio nal installation tester Easy use ■ M 3125 EurotestCOMBO appropriate instrum ent installation safety testing and systems. Eu­ rotestCOMBO contains integrated characteristics fuses and RCDs the autom atic evalu­ ation the line loop impedance results. KEY FEATURES: LED Pass/Fail indicators: LED indicators for PASS FAIL evaluation test results are placed both sides the LCD. Insulation range: wide range insulation test voltages from 1000 reading 1000 MQ. Help screens: instrum ent comes complete with built-in help screens for referencing site. The red and green LEDs eith side the display provide clear PASS FAIL evaluation test results. Upgradeable: changes occur the regula­ tions, upgrades can made the firm ware keep the unit date. Each test has its individual help screen describing how connect the instrum ent into the installation and perform easurem ent. STANDARDS Functionality: IEC/EN 61557 Other reference standards for testing: 7671; 61008; 61009; 364-4-41; AS/NZ 3760 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): 61326 Safety (LVD): 61010-1; 61010-031 I metrel * . Polarity swap: automatic polarity reversal continuity test. Multi-system testing: tests single and mul­ tiphase and systems. Built-in charger rechargeable batteries: unit has built-in charging circuit and comes com­ plete ith set rechargeable NiMH batteries. Loop impedance ith Trip Lock RCD function. Built-in fuse tables: this unique feature allows automatic evaluation the line loop impedance results compared the regulations. 3125 EurotestCOMBO perform continuity, insulation, RCD, loop, line, voltage, frequency and phase sequence tests required the 61557 standard. Continuity conductors ith 200 test current ith polarity change. The bright graphic display ith backlight ensures results, indications, measurem ent param eters and messages are clear, visible and easy read. Trip Lock function: (RCD) function performs loop impedance test ithout tripping the RCD. MEASURING FUNCTIONS: Insulation resistance ith voltage. Phase sequence. RCD auto: automated RCD testing procedure significantly reduces test time. The handling the instrum ent designed simple and clear possible. Line impedance. Loop impedance. Testing single and multiphase systems. APPLICATIONS Initial and periodic testing domestic and industrial installations