After the establishment
of the independent Czechoslovak Republic 1918, the Czechoslovak Electrical-
-Engineering Union was founded 1919 one the most influential interwar
professional and specialised associations, exercising widespread impact both on
manufacturing, legislation (Electrification Act), regulations, quality management,
testing and norm formalion well terms lectures and intemational
co-operation which promoted the traditions the Masaryk Labour Academy and
the Czechoslovak National Research Council. František Křižík also won for Czech electrical engincering its first
foreign award 1881, the First International Congress Electrical
Engincering Paris, for the differential regulátor his are lamp.).g. 1899,
electrical engineers founded their own Czech union, competing for dominance
with German electrical-engineering unions our territory.), bringing their
own Capital the counlry along with their patents and licences according to
which most their products were manufaclured.the Union Engineers and Architects the Kingdom Bohemia. These were mainly German (e. AEG,
Osram, Telcfunken, Siemens and Halske), French (Chaudoir, Alsthom, Schneider
et Creusot Co, Maison Bregnet), Dutch (Philips), Bclgian (Société ďÉlectricité
de Transporte FEurope Centrále) and American companies (Westinghouse,
Edison Co, Bell, Standard Electric Co, General Electric etc. Karel Václav
Zenger and František Křižík were even elected chairmcn that prcstigious
organisation. there were any new findings with which Czech electrical
engineers contributed the development their branch intemationally
(e. The union was liquidated without
any recompcnse the early 1950s.
Research electrical engineering, more less focused applications,
innovations, and testing, was practised primarily university institutes and
laboratorics, lesser extent statě institutes and company and enterprise
research ccntres.
Electrical engineering, which over the years crealed its own scientific
terminology (Vladimír List, Jan Gebauer, Václav Erll), figured fiction writings
as well.), láteř joined foreign companies which built their own branches
or representations Czechoslovakia. the 1930s, the Czech
electrical-engineering industry was intertwined with intemational business. resull, electrical engineering has grown natural component of
life 19th and especially 20th century man. Since the advent telegraphy,
lelephone and signalling devices, whose conslruction was consistently supported
and monitored the statě also for political reasons, electrical engineering and the
. August Žáček’s magnetron, Jaroslav Šafránek’s modification the receiver
for mechanical low-scanning television, Antonín Svoboda’s Computer), they had
invariably acquired their background matcrials foreign institutes, and they also
joined intemational research teams (Josef Hak, August Zácek, Jaroslav Šafránek,
Josef Stránský, Antonín Svoboda etc. They also parlicipated the work many
intemational electrical-engineering associations (especially Vladimír List),
lectured conferences and published their articles foreign magazines.
The Czech manufacturing base electrical engineering was initially formed by
Czech and German companies (František Křižík, Emil Kolben, Robert Bartelmus
and Josef Donál, Josef Sousedík, the Knotek brolhers, Prchalové,
Telegrafia, etc