The branch electrical engineering has enjoyed rich tradition the Czech
Lands. Its members also maintained
intemational contacts, keeping páce with the developments the world virtually
up the )950s. Lectures electrical
engineering were introduced optional subject the Czech Technical
University Karel Domalíp the academie year 1884-85. In
those years, the Czech electrical-engineering branch gradually established broad
base manufacturing, institutionalised secondary and university education and
research, forming extensive background professional and spccialised unions
and groups well publishing facilities. Not only did they know foreign
scholars and researchers well, they also maintained lively correspondence with
them. their work, these scientists were means
enclosed their domestic, Czech environment. The early days electricity generation and eiectrical-engincering groups
and unions ihis region dáte back the 1860s, eiectrical-engincering cducation
started the 1880s, and research the turn the 19th and 2Oth centuries. Evcntually, sludents could leam selected chapters from electrical-
-engineering curricula during physics lectures and tulorials the Czech and
German universities Prague. Its emergence an
autonomous scientific disciplině the Czech Lands was connected primarily with
an upsurge Czech and German technical schools. And the year
1891-92 that school established the first independent Department Electrical
Engineering. With the advance knowledge physics particular.
There was considerable interest electricity the Czech Lands already the
time the first modem electrical experiments, the most prominent figures bcing
Prokop Diviš and Josef Stepling. The disciplině could also studied the Czech Technical
University Brno (starting the academie year 1902) and also both
German Technical Universities Prague (starting 1881) and also Brno
(1891). Extensive cultural and professional pursuits and aelivities of
specialist unions served make for the polilical failures Czech
representation dealing with the Viennese govemment.
As far electrical engineering concerned, the 1860s marked period of
association and integration keeping with developments the whole the
Czech society. the branch of
electricity received its theoretical science its own right. was primarily Vladimír List who made
a sizeable conlribution teaching modem electrical engineering thanks his
own concept, developed the Czech Technical University Brno the turn of
the 1920s and 30s. Ever since its foundation
in 1865, experts electrical engineering figured among prominent members of