the same memo said did not
want any more partitions, sentiment reflected Hutchison memo when he
noted that Edison was against the idea private rooms.283 Once the battery problems had been solved this department
settled down routine testing. Holland held this position until 1911 when was
appointed chief electrician the Edison Storage Battery Company and moved to
the new factory building. Alexander Pierman’s first Edison employment began
in 1889 the Edison Phonograph Works, job which lasted until 1895. Holland began his Edison career November 1902 age 18,
working the testing laboratory the Edison Storage Battery Company Glen
Ridge, New Jersey. the recommendation Aylsworth, Holland was
transferred the West Orange laboratory, charge the battery research and
testing operations 1904.
285 Campbell Walter Kreusi, June 1949, Edison Pioneers Records, Box 21.
Following absence few years, returned work the laboratory itself in
1901 and engaged experimental work until 1914.
There were also various other experimental rooms created the third floor.
284 TAE Moore and Nehr, [1914] (in 1914, WOL-Fire).
The small cell test department replaced the lamp testing room.
283 TAE Sigmund Bergmann, November 29, 1904, Letterbook 71, pp.
The experimenters Greenley and Lancaster had room the third floor in
addition their benches Building They worked great secret Building 5
on cobalt batteries. 220-21 (LB071220). 1904, reported 12
testers November and ’’men and boys" December the test
282 Employee Records, Laboratory Payroll Time Sheets, Box 73.
286 Edison Pioneers Records, Box 27.282
281 Edison NHS Card Catalog. 169-70 (LB071169); TAE to
Sigmund Bergmann, December 28, 1904, Letterbook 71, pp.281 The 1910 payrolls show that Holland was assisted
by two helpers, one noted boy.286
Alexander Pierman.284 But private
experimental rooms and partitions remained the laboratory. was probably
staffed boys young men, judging the photographs and Edison’s practice of
using this kind cheap labor for repetitive testing. In
1914 Edison sent memo his assistant Sam Moore and another experimenter
called Nehr, instructing them "decide together what part [the] 3rd floor you
want" and set their experiments there.286 From 1910 1914
.Walter Holland