EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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successfully developed system talking pictures in the first decade the twentieth century, but lack money and the coming war in 1914 prevented him from perfecting this technology commercial system.257 257 "Deposition C.G.260 March 1910, there were nine draftsmen the payroll under the supervision Charles Schiffl.258 Draftsmen.Charles Brown. The February 1890 payroll indicates two draftsmen the West Orange laboratory, and they were probably the second floor, close Edison. Thomas, who worked from 1888-1890.261 The old drafting room was restructured the Construction Engineering department which handled all the changes the laboratory’s physical equipment and plant. 201 Employee Records, Laboratory Payroll Time Sheets, Box 74, (March 1910). Keith, pp. experimenter from France, Lauste left the West Orange laboratory the 1890s and took his valuable skills with him. This operation was under the supervision Mr. These employees did the important work making precise measured drawings Edison’s inventions for manufacturing and patent applications. Lauste worked for varidus other motion picture companies before setting himself an independent inventor. Brown was laborer who became part the historic experiments that led the development motion picture camera. Eugene Lauste. 260 Historian’s Note 90; see also Dyer, Martin, and Meadowcroft, Edison: His Life and Inventions, 649. Wolf, who had two clerks and nine assistants this room. 259 Edison Pioneers Records, Box 28. 387-88, reproduces a letter written Lauste which recounts his career and his experiments.269 Laverty reported that the drafting room the second floor was under the direction John Ott.A. One the latter was Joseph Gustadt, 76 . 2M David Robinson, Chaplin: His Life and Art (New York: McGraw Hill, 1985), pp. This was the case with E. 140-58. A draftsman would often double experimenter-there being hard and fast job definitions the Edison laboratory. Brown," Thomas Edison American Mutoscope Company and Benjamin F. was employed various places the laboratory including the lamp test room the third floor and the ore milling room Building before joining Dickson in room 5