EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Acquire. ACCESSORIES for Bridgeport lathe above: Steady Rest Following Rest Tool Posts, heavy duty Independent Chuck, 14" Independent Chuck, 18" Face Plate, 19" Countershaft Change Gears (section 51) Use E-1776-1 through E-1776-10 (originals). 290 . SPEED LATHE, 12" swing, 3 ft. in. bed), with chuck, face plate, hand rest, and special rest; Lucius W. Space now occupied by Walcott Wood 14" 6" engine lathe, EDIS 229/E- 1784. Use EDIS 227/E-1776 (original). 1-10; figures 100, 103, and 104. Replace belts needed.P. Pond (section 51) 1913 Inventory no. 105; 1920 Appraisal no.ACCESSORIES for Hamilton engine lathe above: Face Plate, 15" Carrier Plate Independent Chuck, 6" Independent Chuck, 15" Change Gears Countershaft Face Plate, special 14" Adapter, special Face Plate, special (section 51) Use E-1777-1 through E-1777-10 (originals). in. ENGINE LATHE, 20" swing, 10’ bed, single back-geared, change gear, compound rest, four step cone, pedestal and leg base; Bridgeport Engine Co. Removed between 1920 and 1939., Bridgeport, CT (section 51) 1913 Inventory no. bed, (cut down from 5 ft. 109; 1920 Appraisal no. 1-03; figure 103. Purchased from E. Removed between 1920 and 1939. 1-09; barely visible figures 104 and 105. Leave Walcott Wood engine lathe place until suitable replacement for Pond speed lathe found. Bullard, May 18, 1887, voucher 138. GRINDER, stones, 12" dia face, double emery stand wooden frame (section 51) 1920 Appraisal no