EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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" Use EDIS 142. This huge screen or curtain which may be drawn down the floor to provide means projection for lantern slides motion pictures, for the entertainment instruction of Edison and his guests.. Use EDIS 669 (portrait Sir Henry Bessemer); EDIS 8050 (Golden Gate illumination); EDIS 8046 (interior engine housing); EDIS 8047 (portrait of Lord Kelvin), MINERAL SAMPLES or PERIODICALS (on shelves visible from floor, alcove 25, section 25) Common practice library; Edison: His Life and Inventions, 641: "The shelves the remainder of the upper gallery.. SCREEN, for motion pictures, white fabric, covered with darker fabric (suspended above first tier, north wall) Figures (no cover), 51, 62, 67 (screen unrolled), and 88 (covered with greenery); Edison: His Life and Inventions, 644: "On looking under the second gallery this end seen a great roll resting sockets placed each side the room..." Omit; shelves not visible from floor." Use existing face and movement, put working order. Second Balcony (sections 25-38A) Various Framed PRINTS (hung railing surrounding the library) Figures 64, 65, and 88.the huge open fireplace, surmounted great clock built into the wall, one end of the room.CLOCK, built-in, running if possible (north wall above fireplace) Figures 51, 62, 77, 88, and 89; voucher, Electric Time Co, "1 Clock Movement Heavy," February, 1889; Edison: His Life and Inventions, 642: ". 257 .. Framed PRINT (on divider, section 25) Common practice library; no photographic evidence.are filled with countless thousands of specimens ores and minerals every conceivable kind gathered from all parts of the world, and all tagged and numbered.. Use EDIS 621 (oil painting of Charles Edison).