EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Framed PRINTS, (on north wall: one left clock, one to right clock) Figures 62, 77, and 88. PERIODICALS, various series (in all but bottom shelf facing north, alcove 24, section 24) Common use library; Edison: His Life and Inventions, 641. Use EDIS 677 (ore milling plant, Edison, New Jersey) and EDIS collection. MINERAL SAMPLES (alcove 23, section 23) Figures 51, 62, and 64. Substitute for Columbian Exposition print. Framed PRINTS, various (on railing, section 23) Figures 51, 62, 64, 77, and 89.MINERAL SAMPLES (alcove 22, section 22) Figures 51, 62, and 64; Edison: His Life and Inventions, 640. Use EDIS 1856. Framed PRINT (on railing, section 24) Figures 51, 62, 64, and 89. Use EDIS 713 (Horses and gas cars) and EDIS collection. Use EDIS 1837 (Tokyo drawing); substitute for Columbian Exposition print. Acquire reproduce. Use items EDIS collection or reproduce. Use EDIS 170 (Edison Science building). Use EDIS 1688. Use items EDIS collection. Framed PRINT (on divider, section 22) Figures 51, 62, and 64. ANATOMICAL MODELS: heart, lungs, brain, eye, ear, skin, teeth, larynx (in glass- fronted shelves visible from ground floor, alcove 22, section 22) Voucher 778, 1887 [heart, eye, ear, skin, teeth, ’’brain B, C, D"; "head C"; ’’Lungs A, Lungs Organs, Respiration, Laiynx C"]; Edison: His Life and Inventions, 641: ’’Here and there these cabinets may also found few models which has used times in his studies anatomy and physiology"; see figures 51 and 62. Framed PRINT (on divider, section 23) Figures 51, 62, 64, and 77. Use items from EDIS collection reproduce. Framed PRINT (on railing, section 22) Figures 51, 62, 64, 76, 77, and 89. Use EDIS 679 steam driven pump). FILE CABINET, oak (in passageway front of section 24) Figure 89; voucher 309, 1887 (8-drawer, flat-top, antique oak); voucher 143, 1890 ["file cabinet for room 15"]. 256