EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
Common early twentieth century office supply. Acquire. OVERCOAT, man’s black wool (draped over armchair at table, section 9) [Use winter only. Reproduce." Acquire. 251 . DESK, Edison’s rolltop (in center room, facing south, section 10) Figures 61, 62, 70, 73, 74, 81, and 86.were thirteen thick, soft Smyrna rugs.. HAT, straw, with black band (on table, section 9) [Use summer only.if the occasion calls for it, [Edison] will turn around the table, seize writing-pad..] Figures 61, 62, and 73. Acquire. here that directors’ meetings are sometimes held.at long table surrounded swivel desk­ chairs.] Figure shows hat in position.WRITING PADS (on table, section 9) Figures and 73; Edison: His Life and Inventions, p.. PENCILS, Eagle brand, 6 and FOUNTAIN PENS, (on table, section 9) Common early twentieth century office supply; voucher 428, 1890 for pencils. Reproduce. HAT, man’s black'fedora (on table, section 9) [Use winter only.. HAND BLOTTER (on table, section 9) . Reproduce. Acquire. 642: ".. CONTENTS DESK (in Edison’s desk above, section 10) Retain contents currently in desk. ; LEDGER BOOKS, (on table, section 9) Figure 54; voucher 265, 1888; voucher 1069,1888; voucher 711, 1890. Reproduce... Use EDIS 131." Acquire.] Figure 86. ORIENTAL CARPET, large (in center room, next to carpet under Edison’s desk, section 10) Figures 61, 62, 63, 67, 70, 73, 74, and 81; the Evening Sun, February 11, 1889: "On the polished floor... Exchanging INKSTAND (on table, section 8) Common early twentieth century office supply; voucher 428, 1890