February, 1889; Edison: His
Life and Inventions, 642:
.not far from the open
fireplace, long table
surrounded swivel desk
ARMCHAIRS, swivel, oak,
with TAE monogram (around
table, section 9)
Figures 51, 54, 62, 73, and 81;
George Flint Co. here that
directors’ meetings are
sometimes held.
642: "."
Use EDIS 150; two white
buttons each side table
are buzzers, wires run under
table. Acquire."
(parallel fireplace, section
Figures 61, 62, 67, 70, 73, 74,
and 81; the Evening Sun,
February 11, 1889: "On the
polished floor. voucher,
February 1889; Edison: His
Life and Inventions, 642:
".”; The Life and
Inventions Thomas Alva
Edison, 282, photograph;
see figures 50, 51, 54, and 62..not far from the open
fireplace, long table
surrounded swivel desk-
Use EDIS 184, 185, 187, 188,
159, and EDIS collection.. in.at long table
surrounded swivel desk
TABLE, oak, measuring 60
in.were thirteen
thick, soft Smyrna rugs... in, (parallel
to fireplace, section 9)
Figures 51, 61, 62, 73, and 86;
George Flint Co..
Use EDIS 161 and 162..
Desk LAMP, (on table,
section 9)
Figure and 73.in
front the big fireplace were
too [sic] great easy leather
and oak armchairs, full of
springs and fashioned so
cunningly that one felt lazy
and luxurious just look at
them...... voucher,
February, 1889; the Evening
Sun, February 11, 1889: "..Leather ARMCHAIRS, (in
front fireplace, section 9)
George Flint Co.
Various PAPERS (on table,
section 9)
Figures and 73; Edison:
His Life and Inventions, p.