PHONOGRAPH, oak cabinet,
Edison Parlor model (outside
office, section 8)
Evidence that cement model
was library, Hutchinson to
Meadowcroft, February 23,
1914; also appropriate way to
include finished phonograph
in historic interior.
Use EDIS 2267. flanked one end of
the mantel bust of
Use frame Vault 32, unit
2, shelf and reproduce
photograph 10.photo
north wall section if
visible when office door open)
See figures 56, 58, 79, and 80
for examples desks used in
library.. 1251,
BUST Alexander Humboldt
(on mantel, right of
photograph, section 9)
Figures 62, 68, 69, 73, 89;
Edison: His Life and
Inventions, 643: "Over the
fireplace hangs a. no..CALENDAR, ca...
Use EDIS 129..
643: ’’Over the fireplace hangs
a large photograph showing
the Edison cement plant its
entire length...
STATUE Eugene Sandow
(on mantel, left of
photograph, section 9)
Figures 62, 68, 69, 73, and 89;
Edison: His Life and
Inventions, 643: "Over the
fireplace hangs a.
Edison Portland Cement
Company (over fireplace,
section 9)
Figures 62, 68, 69, 73; Edison:
His Life and Inventions, p.. Use EDIS collection omit.
.flanked one end the
mantel bust of
Humboldt, and the other
by statuette Sandow, the
latter having been presented
to Edison the celebrated
athlete after the visit he
made Orange pose for
the motion pictures the
earliest days their
Use EDIS 357 (desk probably
used Mambert, Miller,
and/or Walker)."
Omit (missing since 1983). 1918
(hanging from center window,
section 8)
Common early twentieth
century office supply; see
figure 74..220/005/P1;
Framed PRINT (on north
wall, west side fireplace,
section 9)
Figures 69, 73, and 89.