EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
INK BOTTLE (on desk, section 8) Common early twentieth century office supply. Plain LETTER PAPER (stacked desk, section 8) Common early twentieth century office supply; voucher 30, 1893. Acquire. Acquire. 247 . Acquire.DESK BLOTTER (on desk, section 8) Figure 80. WASTEBASKET, wire (beside desk, section 8) Common early twentieth century office supply; voucher 317, 1890. PIPE and PIPE CLEANERS (on desk, section 8) Figure 80, Acquire. Acquire. Acquire. Acquire. Exchanging INKSTAND (on desk, section 8) Common early twentieth century office supply; voucher 428, 1890. PENCILS, Eagle brand, 6 and FOUNTAIN PENS, (on desk, section 8) Common early twentieth century office supply; voucher 428, 1890 for pencils; see figure for fountain pens. Reproduce. Acquire. Various NOTES and ENVELOPES (in pigeonholes in desk, section 8) Figure 80. Use hand blotter drawer of EDIS 821. Acquire. LETTERHEAD PAPER (stacked desk, section 8) Common early twentieth century office supply; voucher 30, 1893. ASHTRAY, glass (on desk, section 8) Figure 80. STAPLES (on desk, section Common early twentieth century office supply. ENVELOPES (stacked on desk, section 8) Common early twentieth century office supply; voucher 96, 1893. PAPER FASTENER (on desk, section 8) Common early twentieth century office supply. Acquire. Acquire. HAND BLOTTER (on desk, section 8) Figure 80. Acquire. Acquire. MEMO PAPER HOLDER with paper, wood (on desk, section 8) Figure 80