EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
BOOKS, various sets pull shades down over shelves (on shelves along south wall, inside office, section 8) Figure 81. BIPOLAR GENERATOR, from the Edison Machine Works, ca. HAT, man’s black fedora (on hook left window on desk, alcove section 7) [Use winter months only. ORIENTAL RUG (under desk, inside office, section 8) The Evening Sun, February 11, 1889: "On the polished floor. Acquire. Use EDIS 1829 (photograph of Edison film studio); EDIS 8036 (photograph of telegraph superintendents); EDIS 8069 (oil portrait of Henry Ford). . Use EDIS 126 (generator); EDIS 127 (pedestal). Use EDIS 665 (photograph of Lenox Lyceum exhibit); EDIS 1842 (portrait Rose). Wall CALENDAR (hanging on window frame, alcove 7, section 7) Common early twentieth century office supply; see figure 56. Framed PRINTS, (on column, right alcove 7, section 7) Figures 50, 51, 62, 64, 70, and 81.,. DESK TRAY, oak (on desk, section 8) Common early twentieth century office supply. NOTE: Open door section 8 only after halon tank in office has been removed. ROLLTOP DESK (facing south toward shelves, perpendicular window in office, section 8) Base office arrangement on figure 80. Use EDIS 30491, second floor, Building 5. 246 .1887 (on alabaster pedestal, front column to right alcove section 7) Figures 62, 64, 70, and 81. --- - — Use books shelves.HAT, man’s light straw, with black band (on hook left of window, alcove section 7) [Use summer months only. Framed PRINTS, (on outer wall office, section 8) Figures 50, 51, 64, and 89.] Figure 56." Acquire. Reproduce. Reproduce.] Figure 86.were thirteen thick, soft Smyrna rugs. Acquire