Use EDIS 177 (portrait of
Adolph Ochs); EDIS 179
(portrait Joffre); EDIS
8065 (cartoon, "Our Boyhood
Ambitions"). Use books from EDIS
thirteen thick, soft Smyrna
rugs.MAT, brush-type (inside door,
section 2)
Figure 65; James Barron &
Framed PRINTS (on wall of
southeast office, section 4)
Prints were displayed the
column the left alcove 4
and the column between
alcoves and before the
office was added, some time
after 1916.
On the column the left of
alcove (ca.1912) [from top to
bottom]; EDIS 3641 EDIS
1861; EDIS 1836; EDIS 1840;
EDIS 1721.
.. TAE, November 27,
1903; also maintenance
BEDDING, one ticking
striped mattress, one white
cotton sheet, one Indian-style
striped blanket, two ticking
striped pillows, two white
cotton pillowcases (on cot
EDIS 105, alcove section
3) ____ _______
Figures and 65.
BOOKS, small sets and
individuals (on all shelves,
section 3)
Figure 65. Use EDIS 171 (portrait of
Woodrow Wilson); EDIS 122
(Edison after hours of
work); EDIS 8066 (Cartoon-
"Impending Conflict").
Use EDIS 105. Use mattress, sheets, pillows
and pillowcases EDIS
collection; acquire Indian-
style striped blanket.
COT (in alcove section Figure 65; Edison: His Life
and Inventions, 645.
(parallel doorway, section
Figures and 65; Evening
Sun, February 11, 1889: "On
the polished floor.
On divider between alcove 4
and figure (EDIS 3627,
unidentified portrait, EDIS
743, Intercolonial Railway
calendar with moose head)..
Framed PRINTS, (mounted
at angle between bookcase
and column right door,
section 2)
Figures 62, 64, 76, 78, and 84