EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
26, 1945, cast the same sculpture, white plaster painted light reddish tan, which said had been made Billy Holderson. WATER COOLER, light­ colored metal base (right of door, section 2) Figure shows water cooler with dark base, inscribed "mountainside"; figure shows light colored water cooler: "[—] spring/[—] orange"; voucher 572, 1888. Mounted DISPLAY, primary battery parts (on wall right of door, below framed print above, alcove section 2) Figure 84.K Hamje, of Thomas Edison, Inc.About 15" wide, 16" high, and 3-1/2" maximum thickness. Framed PRINT (on wall to right door, alcove section 2) Figures (EDIS 676) and 84.)" Use EDIS 182. This one the very few specimens known to us resulting from Edison’s experiments concrete casting decorative art objects.. Paymaster George Meister advised that Holderson had worked with Edison the artistic angles of the poured concrete house project. Acquire. 5047..1912 location of water cooler.PLAQUE Native American profile, concrete (below light switch, wall left door, alcove section 2) Figure 78; Historian’s Note 121. The plaster cast is No.. Figure 65 documents ca. Use EDIS collection. (Mr. According catalog card: "Experimental concrete casting. 238 . ----, Use EDIS 181. Use EDIS 676, photograph of Edison lamp factory, Harrison, NJ. Retain existing fixture and acquire cups., brought the laboratory Nov. Framed PRINT (above door, alcove section 2) Figure (two unidentified prints above door). H. PAPER CUP HOLDER with PAPER CUPS (attached to wall above water cooler, section 2) Physical evidence