EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Use EDIS 29218.616 This table contains the racks test tubes which contained solutions analyzed, the stands and bunsen burners heat solutions, and the equipment measure capacity, specific gravity and acidity. Ignatius Goldstein was charge this table. TEST TUBE RACKS, (on table) Used for testing. 819 Edison note, April 27, 1910, Notebook N-09-04-20.617 was Edison’s analytical chemist during this period. Use EDIS 6805.Table Testing. 616 Fessenden, 'The Inventions Reginald Fessenden," Radio News (August 1925), 237, 817 Laverty correspondence Historian’s Notes 68, 90, and 95, annotation figure 29. mixed shellac and other chemicals for Edison 1910 as part the phonograph record experiments. TROEMNER BALANCE (on table) Used for testing.618 also made special solutions order.619 Object and Location Evidence Recommendation Table 1 LAB TABLE with RACK (in place) Figure 29. Use EDIS 380. 206 . STANDS (on table) Standard laboratory equipment. this time much his work was related the storage battery project and examined and analyzed the electrolytic solution used experimental and production batteries. 618 Requests for tests Storage Battery folders found 1911 and 1912. MORTAR and PESTLE (on table) Figure 29. early 1888 Reginald Fessenden found that good deal analytical work" was carried out in Building 2. HYDROMETERS, (on table) Used for testing. Use EDIS 7851 and EDIS 7853. ranged from making tests experimental solutions to find their chemical compositions analyzing samples ore. EDIS collection. Use EDIS 3401 and EDIS 3402. BUNSEN BURNERS, (on table) Standard laboratory equipment. Testing and analysis was important part the work the chemical laboratory. Use EDIS 2872 and EDIS collection reproduce