EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
HYDROMETERS, (on counter) Used with accumulator, battery parts, containers, test stand, and tester. BATTERY TEST STAND (on counter) Used with accumulator, battery parts, and containers. Use EDIS 7856. Use EDIS 6570. Experimental BATTERY CONTAINERS (on counter) Used with accumulator, battery parts, and containers. Use EDIS 7862. EDIS collection. balance room.WOODEN STRIP with electrical contacts (on right wall) Figure 27. Reproduce. Use EDIS 7050. Reproduce. STOOL (near counter) Figure 21. Use EDIS 2869 and EDIS 2871. Rack ofTEST BATTERIES wired accumulator (on floor) Figure 31. ACCUMULATOR with bulbs (next door) Figure 31. 205 . BATTERY TESTER (on counter) Used with accumulator, battery parts, containers, and test stand. BATTERY CONTAINERS, glass (on counter) Used with accumulator and battery parts. CLOTH SACK (on floor) Photograph album Acquire. Use EDIS 21398. Reproduce. CASE for primary battery (on floor) Figure 31. Large BOTTLES OF CHEMICALS (on floor) Figure 31. BATTERY PARTS (on counter) Used with accumulator. Use EDIS 7062