EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Building 1 By 1935 Building was poor repair and had become more junk room than a store room. 1959 the company gave the land and buildings the Edison home the nation, and over the next few years the contents were also conveyed the United States.636 The reconstituted Mcgraw-Edison Company made a gift the remaining contents the site the National Park Service 1957, after inventory was completed. 160 . gave the land and buildings of Edison’s West Orange laboratory the nation with the intent establishing it as national monument. 237, 240-43. Thomas Edison, Inc. In 1940 the Edison family decided restore the building had been 1931. Two presses which were once the machine shop can seen figure 15. The two offices the front the building were made into 535 Paul Christiansen Conrad Wirth, June 1956, Accession Records, Edison NHS." Act of Congress September 1962 combined Edison Home National Historic Site and Edison Laboratory National Historic Monument into Edison National Historic Site. the same time Thomas Edison, Inc.636 The West Orange laboratory buildings were handed over the National Park Service 1955, just before Thomas Edison Incorporated was bought out the McGraw Electric Company. project inventory and appraise the contents was begun this time. The photographs show battery charging apparatus and testing instruments. The agreement between Thomas A. Most the contents and personal property these buildings were given the United States 1956. On July 17, 1956, President Dwight Eisenhower issued Proclamation establishing the Edison National Monument, "to commemorate the outstanding achievements the great American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison. The 1939 photographs show that much the rear part the building was occupied equipment used the storage battery/starter motor experiments which had been terminated Edison’s death. Edison Foundation., merged with McGraw Electric Company January 2,1957. 838 Venable, Out the Shadows: The Story Charles Edison, pp.the National Park System December 1955 National Site under non-federal ownership. The building was cleared its contents 1948 and remodelled the Thomas A. Edison, Incorporated and the National Park Service specified that the property not given the United States would come under the management and safekeeping of the latter