EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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628 For brief time Army Air Force machinists trained the machine shop, but because the machines were antiquated, the program was discontinued. Thomas Edison, Inc. Its survival a testament Edison's strategy constantly developing new and diverse products.527 Only the dictating machine division, with its factories the old Phonograph Works, used the West Orange laboratory as its research and development arm. 828 John Nichols S. 526 Brochure Thomas Edison, Inc.F. March 1943 only one person was responsible for the full-time collections care originally assigned the entire Historical Research Department. had called itself the Thomas Edison Industries since the 1920s part its promotional activities. As with World War the coming war 1939 brought new work and new research challenges the West Orange complex.624 One reason for the pressure remove the machine tools from the laboratory was the recovery Thomas Edison, Inc.529 Organization the museum progressed, but slowly. Again many experiments were carried out for the Navy and again they remained secret.’’526 The Edison enterprise therefore rode out the greatest depression American history and 1939 was manufacturing wide range products: dictating machines, primary batteries, storage batteries, spark and glow plugs, magnetos and ignition coils, medical gases, and control valves and devices. Charles had learned his lessons well, writing "the strength our situation that have diversity businesses. This title suited organization with numerous diverse operations, ranging from the manufacture automotive parts (by the Edison-Splitdorf Corporation), the production Edison Portland Cement, and the fabrication children’s and nursery furniture (by the Edison Wood Products Company Wisconsin). from the Depression.626 524 Theodore Edison Lockhart, November 22, 1939, Historical Research Dept. 529 Frank Foley Larchar, November 19, 1942, Historical Research Dept. this time, and the late 1930s well, tours the 158 . 525 Charles Edison TAE, (undated, but prior 1929], D-Box Collections, Box Dl, Battery, Primary, History folder. Larchar, March 1942, Historical Research Dept. He also managed pass the burden leadership new generation the Edison family.milling machine from the laboratory and the first steps towards the museum as we now know had been taken. 627 "The Thomas Edison Industries" promotional pamphlet, Ediphone Division records. The Ediphone therefore became the one living link with the past Building 5. product line, 1939