During Period this room was the end of
the row, the northwest comer the building, with windows overlooking
Lakeside Avenue and Main Street. 1914 photograph shows plain room
encircled with counter top (figure 142).504
During Period III, the offices the south side (Lakeside Avenue) the music
room were changed moving the partitions and three offices were created to
replace the two made 1912. The row offices the south side were
further changed installing product engineers what had once been occupied by
the laboratory general office and Harry Miller’s room.
502 Notebook N-10-05-12.501 Petit’s room was specifically mentioned when new power lines were
installed the third floor 1910. 1914 Hutchison wrote Edison about enlarging the
operations the Photographic department.503 The amount work carried out this department increased
during this period.
Photographic department. contained screw press make molds from disc
masters. This group three rooms around the elevator
served the location the department charged with producing photographs of
the laboratory, its founder, and various Edison products. small lathe stood the counter
connected overhead belt. This room was probably the west end
this row offices. One these three rooms was a
504 MRH TAE, January 12, 1914 (in 1914, WOL-Photographic Department).The offices this side the building included:
Albert Petit’s experimental room. was impossible expand the
third floor Building Hutchison suggested that this department annex the
experimenter Greene’s old room Building which was not being used that
time, and use printing room.
501 TAE Fred Ott, August 1911 (in 1911, Battery, Storage). These were used in
public relations and product promotion. The only furniture visible the photograph a
chair, stool and small cabinet.
Fred Ott’s experimental room.
503 See floor plan, appended MRH TAE, October 29, 1912 (in 1912, WOL--General)