479 See figure 125. After the fire 1914 production schedules for the Phonograph
Works were laid out for Edison inspect and they were placed against the doors
of experimental rooms the second floor. The fronts these rooms are seen photograph taken in
1915 (figure 125).
480 Laboratory labor and Material Ledger Pages [unbound], 1918*1931, May 26, 1920, Accounts Books
Records. powered pulley running off drive shaft that cuts
across the top the room. tool crib was installed the south
side the precision shop, place some experimental rooms, sometime during
this period.
Building Second Floor Experimental Rooms, Period III: 1915-1931
A floor plan 1916 shows that the experimental rooms that ran along the south
side the precision machine shop extended the third column, about feet
from the elevator.
A 1914 photograph shows experimental room which probably room (figure
129).Edison had acquired Bausch and Lomb microscopic photographic equipment to
take the small pictures that Dickson affixed enlarged phonograph cylinder
Alterations made between 1916 and 1920 eliminated experimental rooms the
Lakeside Avenue side the precision shop.
In 1920 the partitions between the "old Construction Engineering Dept and the
second floor Machine Shop (Tool Cribs)" were removed give more space the
machine shop. The room contains special milling machine make parts for storage
battery manufacture.
. This would have been used room along with the various prototype
film cameras.480 This change may represent the removal the last
experimental rooms (probably rooms and what now the precision
machine shop. The same photograph shows counter
covered with junk, running parallel these offices.
The experiments with motion pictures were moved out this room the mid-
18908 because Dickson was bothered the noise the elevator-the room was
probably too cramped carry out experiments projection. Production charts showing the recovery the Edison enterprise from the fire were
also laid out the library