Eleven machines were removed between 1920 and 1939-one single-spindle and
two double-spindle drill presses, rolling mill, planegraphic engraving machine,
table saw, cutter grinder, Brown Sharpe no.," Nov. One them was tucked into the southeastern comer the shop in
1914, right angles the main aisle.
A surface grinder and universal cutter and reamer grinder Brown and Sharpe
were installed between 1916 and 1920 the area previously occupied room 5. Comparison the 1914 photographs and a
1920 sketch plan suggest that these changes had little, any, impact the
arrangement machinery the second floor shop. Both benches are the north side the
McGarvey drew sketch map the second floor machine shop accompany his
inventory and appraisal its contents. Room may have been dismantled November,
1918, when memo noted that the second floor machine shop occupied much
floor area the one below. that time, small wood and wire tool
crib occupied part the space.
A 1916 floor plan shows room but its partitions were gone 1920, when J.
26, 1916; J.
The 1920 appraisal, the comprehensive set photographs and inventory compiled
under the direction Norman Speiden 1939, and subsequent notes the E-
cards generated that inventory, provide general sense how the precision
shop has changed since 1915. The sketch that accompanied the 1920
inventory shows turned degrees. Nine machines (including four bench lathes) were moved
to different locations within the shop.468
468 "First Second Floor Plan and Plan Bldgs. universal milling machine, and
two engine lathes. Some the
cleats that held the partition dividing room are still attached the ceiling section 60.
The long free-standing tinsmith’s benches and bench tools appear have been
fairly mobile.C. McGarvey, New York Appraisal Company, "Inventory and Appraisal," 1920; "Thomas Edison
Personal, Floor Areas Laboratory Building," November 25, 1918 (in 1918, WOL-General).Building Precision Machine Shop, Period III: 1915-1931
As the rest the Edison complex, wood window frames and sash were replaced
by steel during the spring 1915. Binesse surface grinder from the first floor shop replaced
the Brown and Sharpe.C., Edison Laboratory, West Orange, NJ. large (20-inch) Lindgren
drill press, originally installed the first floor shop between 1920 and 1939, was
moved the second floor 1942. 14-inch drill press was moved from
Building after 1939.
The most noticeable change involved removing four Sloane Chase precision
lathes from the bench along the north wall and setting them newly
constructed bench the southeast comer the shop