EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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466 An October 1913 inventory and photographs taken April 1914 show much larger complement machine tools.466 comparison photographs show that the north aisle remained largely the same. Tables, probably used for assembly work, perhaps some experimental activities, occupied the eastern bay the south aisle. In February 1914, Miller Reese Hutchison ordered that stairway built between the first and second floor machine shops, order reduce traffic the stairs the library. Dramatic changes took place sometime between 1904, when the Byron photos were taken, and 1913.388/14, 2525; 10. Figure 123 shows double row triangular wood stringers attached the ceiling.464 464 The interior room shown figure 129 from the April 1914 series.388/23, 2677; and 10. 487 See figures 116, 118, 119, and 121. The interior one those rooms shown 1904 Byron photo Charles Dally and the X-ray machine (figure 128). 138 . Most the experimental rooms were dismantled during this period, nearly doubling the open space the precision machine shop. The stairs were done by April, when the photographs were taken.388/21, 2660; 10. 4Sfi "Edison Laboratory, Inventory taken October 1913, Second Floor Machine Shop," Edison NHS. Similar cleats are also visible from partitions that divided the rooms one from the other. double­ spindle drill press, table saw, rolling mill, and screw press faced the south side of the center aisle, while long tinsmith’s bench occupied the north side. A night photograph Edison leaning the bench the precision shop, taken by Underhill about 1905 (figure 117) shows precision bench lathes, vises, stools, and the general clutter working shop.467 The newly opened south aisle, shown figure 122, contained three shapers, two lathes, filing machine, and a drill press. 465 MRH TAE, February 24, 1914 (in 1914, Batteiy, Storage--Testing).from that direction.388/16, 2528; 10. These once supported the upper end the plank partition around the experimental rooms. Only room and enclosure around the elevator remained. See photographs 10.388/8, 2515 Edison NHS collection, not reproduced this report