Building Library, Period II: 1901-1914
Certain additions the library reflected current projects which interested Edison,
or new products introduced his companies.
421 J.S.
419 Allan Benson, "Thomas Edison, Benefactor Mankind," Munsey's Magazine, 1909, pp.
In 1911, Edison was given cubic foot copper pedestal the leading
producers and consumers copper America thank him for stimulating the
copper industry with his inventions. The earliest use this kind mat was probably 1903 or
earlier, when brush mats were ordered for the laboratory.
The oriental-style carpets used the library probably did not change significantly
during Period brush mat visible alcove inside the library door a
ca. 1914 memorandum which discusses the library,
Miller Reese Hutchison asks "don’t you think would good scheme for to
have the cement cabinet scrubbed up, will look cleaner than now?"420
The library also boasted model dynamo marble pedestal and Edison
electric fan presented employees, well framed displays electric
circuitry, and paintings and photographs some the Edison works.this photograph, however, helps fix this image the early years West
Orange (figure 53).418 not mentioned Dyer and Martin’s description
of the library, nor ever described contemporary periodicals newspapers. Dyer and Martin’s 1910 description
of the library includes reference the cement house model which had been
given place honor the library; 1909 article Munsey’s Magazine also
mentions the house. The window
was sent the architect, Taft, for approval and the bill for $300.1912 image. This was installed against the bookcase to
the left alcove 7.421
420 Hutchison Meadowcroft, February 23, 1914 (in 1914, Motion Picture).00 was paid, but
the window was apparently never installed the library, anywhere else the
West Orange laboratory. 419-25;
see also Dyer, Martin, and Meadowcroft, Edison; His Life and Inventions, 643.419 Photographs show the model house the center the
library through 1912; during this time Edison was also photographed with a
cement phonograph cabinet the library which remained the library through
the beginning 1915.
418 Voucher 746, 1887. Barron Edison, November 27, 1903 (in 1903, WOL--Equipment and Supplies).
During the construction the laboratory West Orange, Edison ordered a
stained glass window memorial his mother, Nancy Edison