EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Office supplies were ordered early December 1887, and the end the month a terrestrial globe was delivered from James Queen and Company. This list records the title, publication date, author, and source of each book periodical, and indicates whether the book was returned the publisher.390 A log books coming into the library was started 1888 and maintained until March 1892. 3M Voucher 736, December 31, 1887. The New York Times described "two three small tables, as many odd chairs, triplet well-worn rugs, and dismantled clock, which. 24-25. Kennelly borrowed several volumes for use the galvanometer room, and other volumes, such dictionaries, were checked out not to individual, but experimenting room. McClure’s Edison and His Inventions claimed the library "will hold about 100,000 volumes.389 In February 1888, A. probably brought books with him from his previous shops and offices-certainly brought his notebooks and ledgers-but how many works, and which ones, not know. McClure, Edison and His Inventions, pp.B. 397 Cosmopolitan, April 1889, 601; see figure 50.“386 Some the furnishings the library may have come from Edison’s New York office; November, carload desk goods and book case were shipped the new laboratory, along with generator, flywheel, and other machinery. 390 Ibid.. 118 .constituted the only furnishing of the big room outside the book shelves," New York Times, February 12, 1889; col. 2. Though not quite filled, will soon be, the rate stocking now going on. Edison’s attorneys also borrowed technical works and volumes patents for use their offices New York.386 385 The Evening Sun, February 11, 1889.brass andirons. During 1889, 367 books were checked out. 388 New York Times, May 12, 1888, col.E.," while J. 1889 drawing the library shows the globe placed next the fireplace; ca., pp.387 Over the years, the globe was often moved around accommodate other pieces of furniture statuary, but has always remained the room...1895 photograph shows the globe the east side the room against column.. The ample shelves the library were not filled, though, first."388 As discussed above, books the library were available for Edison’s staff use in or away from the library. 1-7. From the beginning, Edison stocked the library with quantities books and periodicals. total 791 volumes was added the library the years covered by the log book. The New York Times stated the cases "contain 16,000 volumes of choice scientific works, but the capacity 35,000 books. 389 Notebook N-88-01-30, 59