Digitální radiotelefonní systém GSM

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Vývoj standardu digitální mobilní sítě pro hlasovou komunikaci začal v první polovině 80. let minulého století společnostmi Nordic Telecom (severské státy využívající Nordic Mobile Telephony 450 MHz (NMT-450))a holandským Postal, Telegraph and Telephone (PTT) (národní regulátor). Evropská komise navrhla použití pásma 900 MHz a vydala nařízení pro vyhrazení tohoto pásma v jednotlivých státech pro zajištění roamingu. V roce 1987 byla založena skupina Group Speciale Mobile. Zahrnovala ...

Vydal: FEKT VUT Brno Autor: UREL - Jan Prokopec

Strana 146 z 188

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Obrázek 4. The RLC and MAC layers both start afresh new cell after handover. (Medium Access Control) sublayers which are terminated the eNodeB the network side. Data protection during handover responsibility the PDCP layer and explained detail Section 4.3. The RLC and MAC layers both start afresh new cell after handover. Reproduced permission 3GPP.51: Protokolový stack LTE pro uživatelská data NETWORK ARCHITECTURE 31 Serving PDN GW S5/S8 a GTP UGTP U UDP/IP UDP/IP L2 Relay L2 L1 L1 PDCP RLC MAC L1 IP Application UDP/IP L2 L1 GTP U IP SGiS1- ULTE Uu eNodeB RLC UDP/IP L2 PDCP GTP U MAC L1 L1 UE Relay Figure 2.4. Reproduced permission 3GPP.7 Control-plane protocol stack. The respective roles each these layers are explained detail Chapter 4. SCTP L2 L1 IP L2 L1 IP SCTP S1- MME eNodeB MME S1- AP S1- AP NAS MAC L1 RLC PDCP UE RRC MAC L1 RLC PDCP RRC LTE- Uu NAS RelayRelay Figure 2.7.7 Control-plane protocol stack. 2.1.Systémy mobilních komunikací 146 IN_SYNC terminál m˚uže pˇrijímat vysílat data LTE_IDLE adresa z˚ustala pˇriˇrazena, ale systém nezná pˇresnou polohu rámci sítˇe NETWORK ARCHITECTURE 31 Serving PDN GW S5/S8 a GTP UGTP U UDP/IP UDP/IP L2 Relay L2 L1 L1 PDCP RLC MAC L1 IP Application UDP/IP L2 L1 GTP U IP SGiS1- ULTE Uu eNodeB RLC UDP/IP L2 PDCP GTP U MAC L1 L1 UE Relay Figure Reproduced permission 3GPP.3. The respective roles each these layers are explained detail Chapter 4.2 Control Plane The protocol stack for the control plane between the and MME shown Figure 2. (Medium Access Control) sublayers which are terminated the eNodeB the network side. Reproduced permission 3GPP. 2. Data protection during handover responsibility the PDCP layer and explained detail Section 4.3.6 The E-UTRAN user plane protocol stack. 2.1 Data Handling During Handover In the absence any centralized controller node, data buffering during handover due user mobility the E-UTRAN must performed the eNodeB itself.7. 2. SCTP L2 L1 IP L2 L1 IP SCTP S1- MME eNodeB MME S1- AP S1- AP NAS MAC L1 RLC PDCP UE RRC MAC L1 RLC PDCP RRC LTE- Uu NAS RelayRelay Figure 2.52: Protokolový stack LTE pro signalizaci . Obrázek 4.6 The E-UTRAN user plane protocol stack.2 Control Plane The protocol stack for the control plane between the and MME shown Figure 2.1 Data Handling During Handover In the absence any centralized controller node, data buffering during handover due user mobility the E-UTRAN must performed the eNodeB itself