Diagnostika energetických zařízení paroplynového bloku ve Vřesové

| Kategorie: Diplomové, bakalářské práce  |

Chce-li být podnik prosperující v tržním hospodárství musí poskytovat konkurence schopné produkty a služby. V našem prípade se jedná prevážne o elektroenergii (výkonovou hladinu, certifikované služby – primární, sekundární potažmo terciální regulace). Havárie zarízení (bloku) prináší velké ekonomické ztráty podniku, jelikož smlouvy uzavírané v elektroenergetice bývají dlouhodobé a jejich nedodržení je striktne penalizováno. Z techto duvodu se do popredí provozování zarízení dostává otázka spolehlivosti, která je vždy kompromisem s ekonomickou otázkou ...

Vydal: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni Autor: Václav Mareška

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Thesis divided into several chapters.ABSTRACT The effectiveness diagnostics electrical machines and warning diagnostics especially has been confirmed more and more. There has not been any accident with gear since installation this diagnostic system. Combustion spare parts were found extremely good condition during combustion inspection that was made after mentioned yearlong operation. New detection gases that are components of lignite gas and nature gas, means and CH4, presented upgraded diagnostic system. The main concern of this part combustion lignite gas and corresponding operation stages complete system. concerns with fractionation diagnostic systems, with diagnostic simulations and with mathematical predication conditions diagnosed object. Diagnostic methods are widely extended for appreciation quality of equipments. Second chapter deals the thermodynamic of Combined Cycles. Author prospectively advises to involve prediction system into control system. Introductory chapter familiarizes diagnostics and diagnostic systems. this context realised measurements and corresponding system were very effective. Thesis deals the solution for two problems after initiative chapters. Diagnostic system for accessory gear like part gas turbine control system introduced one unit. New signals are divided proper levels, and system shows corresponding alarms the operator for particular levels, automatically performing safety sequences. Diagnostic system fragmented accordance with introductory chapter. Third chapter describes diagnostic system that is currently used CCPP Vresova. First them is suggestion diagnostic system for accessory gear including prediction system. Signals that describe system are selected after initial measurements. Increasing requirements service life and reliability electrical machines can realized only with use modern diagnostic systems and methods. Next, detection responsive burning hydrogen gas introduced gas turbine compartment. Second particular issue undertakes CCPP from safety viewpoint. New system was operating first unit for one year normal commercial operation without significant problems, other words the system able compete. The same holds for the fuel nozzles primary manifold. First three chapters are written the nature of theoretical introduction the questions Combined Cycle Power Plants and diagnostics. Thesis familiarizes with existing diagnostic systems CCPP Vresova and is seeking for solutions when there store present diagnostic access information processing. Solution for burning fuel nozzles primary manifold found sufficient cooling of nozzles during all operation stages. . this context realised innovations were very effective and due to this fact money were saved since there not necessary upgrade fuel nozzles (what brings additional costs due exchanging combustion section), and since costs for refurbishment combustion spare parts are lower. This part should help the persons concerned with designing new diagnostic systems. This part should help for perfection operation effectiveness. Control systems for particular equipments are summarized, well as off-line diagnostic methods. describes fundamental principle Combined Cycles and shows ways leading the enhancement efficiency and reliability CC. The reason for is, that they enable detect inception prospective defects systems time and due this fact they help prevent from accidents. Periodical and continual measurements are unavoidable when equipment is installed site (especially for large machines)