Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

Vydal: Neurčeno

Strana 77 z 528

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95 2 Near Cross talk attenuation Earth unbalance attenuation Transfer impedance mΩ/m Test voltage core-to-core Test voltage core-to-screen Test voltage screen-to-screen kV telefil U92M 0708/e U-59 Informations Accessories Systems Fibre optic Characteristic Attenuation dB/100m (guidance values) k1 k2,3 e1, kHz kHz 100 kHz 200 kHz 600 kHz 1000 kHz 2000 kHz 5000 kHz kHz kHz 100 kHz 200 kHz 600 kHz 1000 kHz 2000 kHz 5000 kHz for MHz for 100 kHz for 100 1000 kHz for MHz for 100 MHz min.84 1.6 100 750 750 272 199 130 124 117 115 (120± 12) 113 111 0.38 0.) pF/m Mutual Capacitance (max.50mm 195.78 2.69 0.1 2.38 1.13 Type HF-4803-U Product information Cables Copper screened Electrical properties Description Electrical resistance Ω/km Resistance unbalance core-to-core Mutual Capacitance (nom.51 3.Swiss Standard Telephone Cable Type U92 (Connection Cable) according Swisscom Specifications 844. min.) pF/m Coupling Capacitance (at 800 Hz) pF/500m Earth unbalance pF/500m Characteristic Impedance (guidance values) Conductor 0. Hz Copper unscreened Communication technology .49 0. min