Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Poznámky redaktora
50 Weight/kg 12,6 External diameter [mm] 5.2 Cable weight Copper weight max.50 Dimension 0.Swiss Standard Telephone Cable Type U92 (Connection Cable) according Swisscom Specifications 844.13 Communication technology Single Cable type HF-4803-U Product information Copper screened Cables Application Connection cable for data transmission, Mbit/s interface cable May used where high near end cross talk attenuation values are required Construction Copper unscreened Single cable Conductor Core Twisting type Intermediate Sheath Screening Sheath 0,5 wire solid 0,95 mm, Insulation quad AL-PETP layer and tinned braiding, with screen connection wire Zero-halogen grey RAL 7035 Fibre optic Mechanical properties Min. 191 363 Packing unit: Ring 100 291 363 Packing unit: Pull-Quick 300 391 363 Dimension 0.50 Dimension 0. tensile load* [kg/km] [kg/km] [daN] 30 Informations telefil U92M 0708/e * the max. bending radius Temperature range 8 cable diameter -20°C +80°C General properties Colour coding Marking according IEC 189-2 Dätwyler U92M, manufacturing year, manufacturing no, metre Systems With Inspection Wire Accessories Part no. tensile load refers cable laying with directional change deg U-58