6/1kV 4000V, 50Hz
Distribution boxes
General Properties
Minimum bending Radius
Operating temperature Zero halogen non corrosive gases Flame retardant Fire resistant (no flame propagation) Minimum smoke emission Circuit integrity (FE180) System Circuit integrity E30-E60*
during and permanent installation (single core cable) (multicore cable) outer diameter) permanent installation -45°C +90°C during installation -5°C +50°C IEC 60754-2, 50267-2-2, VDE 0482-267-2-2 IEC 60332-1-2, 60332-1-2, VDE 0482-332-1-2 IEC 60332-3-22/-24 Cat.
. A/C, VDE 0482-266-2-2/-4 Cat. Permitted operating temperature conductor +90˚C. 7780 “ORDER NO. For outdoor applications, protection must provided against exposure direct sunlight. A/C, 50266-2-2/-4 Cat. These cables correspond the demands system circuit integrity E30-E60* accordance with DIN 4102-12. System circuit integrity guaranteed operating voltage 400V.6/1kV Halogen-free, with improved fire characteristics With reference VDE 0266 and CENELEC 604 Circuit integrity (FE180) accordance with VDE 0472-814, IEC 60331 System Circuit integrity E30-E60* accordance with DIN 4102-12
Concentric conductor Bare copper wire Insulation Crosslinked polymer zero halogen Conductor Solid/ stranded
Preventive fire protection
Sheath FRNC/LS0H
Separator Plastic tape
Reinforcing helix Bare copper tape
Filler Flame retardant, zero halogen
Fire barrier High-peformance Keram compound
Product information
Safety cables
Safety cables are used all situations that require special protection against fire and flame damage for people and equipment and where high degree safety conditions must fulfilled.
Technical changes reserved.
Support systems
Conductor Insulation Filler Concentric conductor Separator Outer sheath Core colours Sheath colour Imprint
Bare copper, solid stranded IEC 60228, 60228, (VDE 0295) Double insulation, cross-linked, high-performance Keram special compound according VDE 0266 “HXI1” Halogenfree, compound plastic tape Bare copper wires with reinforced helix Plastic tape Polyolefin compound according CENELEC 604 and VDE 0276-604 “HM4” According CENELEC 308 and VDE 0293 orange DAETWYLER PYROFIL KERAM (N)HXCH FE180 E30-E60 1kV MM2” VDE REG.” “YEAR” “METRE MARKING”
Firestop systems
Fixing devices
Electrical Properties
Nominal voltage Test voltage
0. NR. Suitable for indoor applications. A/C IEC 61034-1/-2, 61034-1/-2 (EN 50268-1/-2), VDE 0482-1034-1/-2 (VDE 0482-268-1/-2) IEC 60331-11/-21 (180 minutes), VDE 0472 part 814, 6387 CWZ DIN 4102 part 12
pyrofil® (N)HXCH FE180/E30-E60 Keram 0708/e
* System Circuit integrity dependent installation method.pyrofil® Keram (N)HXCH FE180 E30-E60
Safety low voltage cable 0. The cable should only laid directly earth water protective conduit used