Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Poznámky redaktora
pyrofil® Keram (N)HXH FE180 E30-E60 Safety low voltage cable 0. kg/km 278 353 456 589 832 1223 1806 2384 3187 Outer diameter app. 186 935 186 936 186 937 186 938 186 939 186 975 186 976 186 977 186 978 No. Circuit integrity dependent installation method 1,5 2,5 432 720 1057 1446 26,0 28,8 2,28 2,68 Technical changes reserved. P-59 Informations Accessories Distribution boxes Firestop systems 171 283 19 x 1,5 RE 274 715 21,2 1,63 Fixing devices Support systems Safety cables .6/1kV Halogen-free, with improved fire characteristics With reference VDE 0266 and CENELEC 604 Circuit integrity (FE180) accordance with VDE 0472-814, IEC 60331 System Circuit integrity E30-E60* accordance with DIN 4102-12 Article No. 13,4 14,5 15,8 17,2 19,3 23,1 27,2 30,5 34,8 Fire load kWh/m 0,71 0,81 0,93 1,05 1,25 1,67 2,22 2,66 3,41 Preventive fire protection 171 272 171 273 1,5 2,5 101 168 331 426 14,4 15,6 0,81 0,92 171 279 171 280 1,5 2,5 173 288 513 675 18,3 20,0 1,20 1,37 171 284 2,5 456 953 23,2 1,83 171 285 171 286 1,5 2,5 346 576 901 1205 24,6 27,0 1,99 2,27 171 287 171 288 circular, solid conductor circular, stranded conductor Additional dimensions available request. cores cross section mm2 1,5 2,5 RM Cu content kg/km 120 192 288 480 768 1200 1680 2400 Total weight app