Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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10GbE) . LED 850/1300nm (typ. attenuation dB/km 1625nm (cabled) CWDM Systems Singlemode fibre E9/125 SMF E9/125 SMF E9/125 Enhanced Full-Spectrum SMF-28e+™ SMF 28e Optical Fiber G.A G.D G.3z max.A 0,36 0,25 0,5 0,36 0,36 0,24 0,25 0,2 0,36 0,36 0,23 0,27 0,2 0,36 0,36 0,23 0,27 0,2 • • • • Multimode fibre G50/125 MMF G50/125 MMF G50/125 InfiniCor® Sx+ OM2 2,70 0,70 OM3 2,70 0,70 MMF G50/125 InfiniCor® eSx+ OM3+ 2,70 0,70 1100 550 Multimode fibre G62,5/125 MMF G62,5/125 OM1 3,00 0,70 •• 275 550 33 • Fibre optic Technical changes reserved.657.Product Overview and Selection Guide for fibres ria Transmissi Applicatio max. attenuation dB/km 850nm (cabled) VCSEL 850nm (1GbE-10GbE) Fibre-to-the-Desk typ.652.3z max.D G.3ae 1 GbE link length 1000Base-SX IEEE 802. 1GbE max.652. PMD ps/√km (cabled) Laser 1310-1625nm) City-/Accessnetwork Fibre type Standard Fibre-to-the-Home national Backbone The following summary should serve selection aid for the most important criteria when choosing suitable fibre type.652. attenuation dB/km 1550nm (cabled) max. U-295 Informations Accessories Systems •• • 550 550 1000 550 300 • • Fibre optic Copper unscreened Copper screened Communication technology Selection criteria Campus Backbone Data Centre (typ. attenuation dB/km 1300nm/1310nm (cabled) 10GbE link length 10GBase-SR/SW IEEE 802. 100 Mbit/s) The standard product range includes numerous types fibres. attenuation dB/km 1383nm (cabled) max. 1 GbE link length 1000Base-LX IEEE 802