Fibre colour code Dätwyler with ring signature
Copper screened
(up fibres)
Fibre no. colour
Tube colour code
Tube type Colour RAL No. tubes
red green white light green blue black
3020 6018 9016 6019 5015 9005
all types all types E9/125 G50/125 G62/125
Fibre optic
1 12
red green blue yellow white grey brown violet turquoise black orange pink
13 24
red/black green/black blue/black yellow/black white/black grey/black brown/black violet/black turquoise/black transparent/black orange/black pink/black
Copper unscreened
Communication technology
. Fibre colour code according IEC 60304 (up fibres)
Fibre no.D yellow (green) Singlemode G.Standard tube and Fibre Colour Code
In order differentiate between the cores the cables and the optical fibres loose tube, the cores and fibres are given different colours.
1.652+652. Fibre type
dummy elements
Sheat colours
Cable type Colour
Accessories Fibre optic
optofil®-A optoversal® optofil®-I
black with orange longitudinal stripes A/I green Singlemode G.655 red Multimode G50 (OM2) orange Multimode G50 (OM3) turquoise Multimode G62.5 grey violet
Technical changes reserved. tube tube add