Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Possibillity for assembling 144 fibres. The cable prepared lay using special cover. 1405 818 1407 720 1408 529 1408 723 1407 244 1410 923 1407 035 1406 242 1406 768 Accessories Other connectors request U-212 Peitschen-/Trunkkabel 0708/e Attention: Please look for your order that the length the trunk cable including the length the single fiber cables. Assembly includes attenuation test report. Cost saving and simple installation without expensive fibre optic equipement. Means the total length the trunk the length the cable between the split plus both side the single fibre length.Fibre Optic pre-assembling unilan-FO-Trunk Factory made pre-assembling fibre optic cables Communication technology Trunk termination Product information Copper screened Application For the transmission digital and analogue voice, video and data signals. 1406 098 1406 758 1406 403 1406 780 1406 091 1406 421 1407 777 1406 794 1408 597 1408 725 fibre type Singlemode Article No. The length the single fibre elements you can find the instruction manual. Informations Technical changes reserved. Max. Breakout Assembly Systems connector type SC assembly each cable end each cable end each cable end each cable end each cable end each cable end each cable end each cable end each cable end each cable end fibre type Multimode Article No. Features Copper unscreened Trunk termination optoversal® other loose tube Fibre Optic Cables from the optofil® product range (see pages U-168, U-170, U-172, U-174, U-176) Connector assembly with coupler (screwable) for all current fibre optic connecting systems. Connecting Fibre optic A more strength protection tube available. length the free cable (stepped). For fibre number higher the distribution head cascaded. The cable prepared lay using special cover. . The assembly made customer specifications