Coupler optomodPLUS
connector type coupler coupler coupler Duplex coupler FC/PC bushing coupler box nut slitted
fibre type Multimode Article No. request request
Each part number includes cable preparation, ferrule assembly and test report for each end. 416 805 416 806 416 807 416 809
optomod®PLUS 2
connector type see couplers below see couplers below see couplers below see couplers below see couplers below
assembly ferrules each cable end ferrule ferrule ferrule ferrule ferrule
fibre type Multimode Article No. The length the single fibre elements you can find the instruction manual.Fibre Optic pre-assembling
unilan-FO-Trunk Factory made pre-assembling fibre optic cables ferrule assembling with couplers
Product information
Copper screened Connecting
optomod®PLUS 1
connector type see couplers below see couplers below see couplers below see couplers below see couplers below
assembly ferrules each cable end ferrule ferrule ferrule ferrule ferrule
fibre type Multimode Article No.
Technical changes reserved. 416 810 416 811 416 812 416 813 416 814
fibre type Singlemode Article No. 416 755 416 756 416 757 416 759
The couplers must connected with the pre-assembled ferrules for optomod®PLUS optomod®PLUS and optodeskPLUS
Attention: Please look for your order that the length the trunk cable including the length the single fiber cables. 416 750 416 751 416 752 416 753 416 758 416 759
fibre type Singlemode Article No. Means the total length the trunk the length the cable between the split plus both side the single fibre length. 416 800 416 801 416 802 416 803 416 804
fibre type Singlemode Article No. 416 820 416 821
fibre type Singlemode Article No.
416 754
Fibre optic
Copper unscreened
416 808
Communication technology
. 416 815 416 817 416 818 416 819 416 816
connector type see couplers below see couplers below
assembly ferrules each cable end ferrule ferrule
fibre type Multimode Article No