The fall heavy tool, device, stone, etc. The weight allowed fall vertically onto intermediate steel piece that transmits the force the cable sample.
norms IEC 60794-1-2-E7
Water penetration
This method checks whether all interstices the fibre optic outdoor cable are continuously filled with compound that prevents water from entering the cable. Thus cable sample turned about its own axis and attenuation deviations documented during the test. After that, the electrical and parameters must still correspond the 50173 standard.
norms IEC 60794-1-2-E4
Crush resistance
The purpose this test determine the ability data cable withstand transverse pressure.
norms IEC 60794-1-2-E3
During installation, the fibre optic cable must withstand torsion forces addition tension, transverse pressure and bending loads. Neither fibre nor sheath materials may damaged during the test.
norms IEC 60794-1-2-F5-A/B
method A
method B
Swiss quality its best
. Determining test criteria are the time and the maximum dispersal the water within the sample. onto the cable simulated here. damage the cable sheath may occur. Dätwyler uses the more difficult test method exclusively