Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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652.D Fibre optic Fibre Component and System Costs Systems Network design often driven much system cost system performance. 1300m . Thus, strongly recommended that fiber chosen carefully that economically meets all current and future needs. The relative system costs 1GbE trnasmission shoews, that SX-solution 850nm does have half the system costs compare more expensive LX-solution 1300nm.652. This conclusion that Multimode fibre transmission running mostly 850nm Relative system costs 1GbE for 300m Transeiver cable Passive components Accessories 850m 850m 1300m OM2 OM3 OM2 SMF U-150 Informations Ready for 10GbE with additional invest into OM3 fibres Example relative system costs Dätwyler Fibre optic cable Optoversal Fibres OV-AT patch panel with 12xSCD 24x1GbE SFP Transeiver Technical changes reserved.D Copper unscreened Horizontal Fibre the Desk FTTD Fibre the Office FTTO Multimode fibre G50/125 OM2+ 1GbE 750m 10GbE 150m Data Center Multimode fibre G50/125 OM3 10GbE 300m Singlemode fibre E9/125 G.652.Multimode fibre Specifying Optical Fibre Communication technology Riser Copper screened Multimode fibre G50/125 OM3 10GbE 300m Singlemode fibre E9/125 G. Fiber choise increasingly more important component costs continue drop and system performance requirements increase.D Campus/Backbone Multimode fibre G50/125 OM3 10GbE 300m Singlemode fibre E9/125 G. other words, low-cost, high-performance electronics will require greater bandwidth and operating performance from the installed cabling systems