Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Poznámky redaktora
36 1383 0. Core Cladding Concentricity Error max.652 fibre. Superior bending specification for ease installation.0 +/- 0.2 +/- 0.D IEC 60793-2-50 Type B1.20 typical (3dB improvement over standard SMF) Fibre optic Wavelength max. Tightened dispersion tolerance support low-cost upstream transmitters. Backward compatible with installed base G. Cladding/Coating Concentricity Error min.092 9.5 Geometry and mechanical characteristics Above specifications refer the Corning® SMF-28e+™ Optical Fiber SMF-28e+ trademark Corning Incorporated SMF, Full spectrum 1108/e Technical changes reserved.7 0.0 -60 +85 100 Systems 0. Attenuation (cabled) *post –hydrogen aging performance max.23 1625 0. Attenuation specified all FTTx network operating wavelengths.4 1260 23 max. Enable more cost effective FTTx deployment: provide extra distance and margin, reduce field equipment and field maintenance costs.7 245 +/-5 4. PMDq Link Design Value (cabled) [ps/√km] Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) Threshold [dBm] 10. Fibre Curl Radius Operating Temperature Range Proof test [mm] [mm] [%] [mm] [mm] [m] [°C] [kpsi] 125.652. U-149 Informations Accessories Cladding Diameter max.Singlemode fibre (SMF) Full-Spectrum SMF-28e+™ Optical Fiber E9/125/250 according ITU-T Rec. Cable Cut off Wavelength lccf [nm] Polarisation mode dispersion (PMD) max.36* 1550 0. Zero Dispersion Slope [ps/(nm2x km] Mode-Filed Diameter [mm] max.27 Fibre Copper unscreened Full-spectrum single-mode fibre according ITU-T G.5 0. Higher SBS threshold enabling double power capability increase distance and margin for video applications and support future service flexibility.D with attributes optimised for convergent networks.3 Coating Cladding Core Product information Copper screened Main areas application Transmission characteristics [ps/(nm km] [nm] 18 1310 1324 0. Cladding Non-Circularity Coating Diameter max. Communication technology .4 +/- 0. 652. Chromatic Dispersion Zero Dispersion Wavelength λo [nm] [dB/km] 1310 0