ČAS vydala aktuální věstník změn v ČSN pro květen 2024

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

Strana 73 z 132

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Poznámky redaktora
Věstník 5/2024 73 Decision Product family Product Intended use AVCP system Technical specifications Body function 98/598/ec Aggregates for uses with high safety requirements (2/2) Fillers for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads and other civil engineering works, Aggregates for uses with high safety requirements (2/2) Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads and other civil engineering works, Aggregates for uses with high safety requirements (2/2) / Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures for roads and other civil engineering works, Aggregates for uses with high safety requirements (2/2) / Armourstones for hydraulic structures and other civil engineering works, Aggregates for uses with high safety requirements (2/2) Railway ballast for railway works, Aggregates for uses with high safety requirements (2/2) Aggregates and fillers for concrete, mortar and grout in buildings, roads and other civil engineering work System 12620:2002+A1:2008 EN 13043:2002 EN 13043:2002/AC:2004 EN 13055-1:2002 EN 13055-1:2002/AC:2004 EN 13055-2:2004 EN 13139:2002 EN 13139:2002/AC:2004 EN 13242:2002+A1:2007 EN 13383-1:2002 EN 13383-1:2002/AC:2004 EN 13450:2002 EN 13450:2002/AC:2004 FPC Certification Body 98/599/ec Liquid applied roof waterproofing kits (3/3) Liquid applied roof waterproofing kits for uses subject to reaction fire regulations, Liquid applied roof waterproofing kits (3/3) / Liquid applied roof waterproofing on the basis polysiloxane for uses subject reaction fire regulations System EAD 030019-00-0402 ETAG 005 Art 66(3) Product Certification Body 98/600/ec Self-supporting translucent roof kits (except glass-based kits) (3/3) Self- supporting translucent roof kits (except glass-based kits) for uses subject reaction fire regulations System EAD 220089-00-0401 ETAG 010 Art 66(3) Product Certification Body page 29