ČAS vydala aktuální věstník změn v ČSN pro květen 2024

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Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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.4980) Softened and cold worked Wires for forged fasteners - D 900 MPa 100 MPa ASD-STAN 2024-06-13 prEN 4700-001 Aerospace series Steel and heat-resisting alloys - Wrought products Technical specification Part 001: Plates, sheets and strips ASD-STAN 2024-06-06 prEN 4700-002 Aerospace series Steel and heat-resisting alloys - Wrought products Technical specification Part 002: Bars and sections ASD-STAN 2024-06-06 prEN 4700-003 Aerospace series Steel and heat-resisting alloys Wrought products Technical specification Part 003: Tubes ASD-STAN 2024-06-06 prEN 4700-004 Aerospace series Steel and heat-resisting alloys Wrought products Technical specification Part 004: Wires ASD-STAN 2024-06-06 prEN 4700-005 Aerospace series Steel and heat-resisting alloys - Wrought products Technical specification Part 005: Forging stocks ASD-STAN 2024-06-06 prEN 4700-006 Aerospace series Steel and heat-resisting alloys - Wrought products Technical specification Part 006: Pre-production and production forgings ASD-STAN 2024-06-06 prEN 4700-007 Aerospace series Steel and heat-resisting alloys - Wrought products Technical specification Part 007: Remelting stocks ASD-STAN 2024-06-06 prEN 4533-001 Aerospace series Fibre optic systems Handbook - Part 001: Termination methods and tools ASD-STAN 2024-06-13 prEN 4533-002 Aerospace series Fibre optic systems Handbook - Part 002: Test and measurement ASD-STAN 2024-06-13 prEN 4533-003 Aerospace series Fibre optic systems Handbook - Part 003: Looming and installation practices ASD-STAN 2024-06-13 prEN 3646-006 Aerospace series Connectors, electrical, circular, bayonet coupling, operating temperature 175 200 °C continuous Part 006: Receptacle, hermetic, jam-nut mounting Product standard ASD-STAN 2024-05-30 prEN 3646-004 Aerospace series Connectors, electrical, circular, bayonet coupling, operating temperature 175 °C continuous Part 004: Receptacle, jam-nut mounting - Product standard ASD-STAN 2024-06-13 prEN 9276 Aerospace series Programme management - Recommendations for the implementation the integrated logistic support ASD-STAN 2024-05-30 prEN ISO 4937 Steel and iron Determination chromium content - Potentiometric visual titration method (ISO/DIS 4937:2024) CEN/TC 459/SC 2024-05-27 prEN 10379 Steel sheet piles Test methods CEN/TC 459/SC 2024-05-30 prEN 16605 Space Galileo Timing Receiver Functional and Performance Requirements and associated Tests CEN/CLC/JTC 2024-05-30 Česká agentura pro standardizaci ředitelka Odboru standardizace Zdeňka Slaná r.Věstník 5/2024 34 prEN 3646-001 Aerospace series Connectors, electrical, circular, bayonet coupling, operating temperature 175 200 °C continuous Part 001: Technical specification ASD-STAN 2024-05-30 prEN 4641-001 Aerospace series Cables, optical Part 001: Technical specification ASD-STAN 2024-05-30 prEN 4604-010 Aerospace series Cable, electrical, for signal transmission Part 010 Cable, coaxial, light weight, 50 ohms, 200 °C, type (light WD) Product standard ASD-STAN 2024-05-30 prEN 3639 Aerospace series Heat-resisting alloy X6NiCrTiMoV26-15 (1