e.Věstník 5/2024
Decision Product family Product Intended
Technical specifications Body function
99/92/ec Light composite wood-based beams
and columns (1/1) Light composite
wood-based beams and columns
(including T-beams, i.e. beam/slab
combinations) buildings
System EAD 130367-00-0304
ETAG 011 Art 66(3)
Product Certification
99/93/ec Doors, windows, shutters, blinds,
gates and related building hardware
(1/1) Doors and gates (with or
without related hardware) fire/smoke
compartmentation and escape
routes, Doors, windows, shutters,
blinds, gates and related building
hardware (1/1) Windows (with or
without related hardware) any other,
Doors, windows, shutters, blinds,
gates and related building hardware
(1/1) Windows (with without
related hardware) fire/smoke
compartmentation and escape
routes, Doors, windows, shutters,
blinds, gates and related building
hardware (1/1) Doors and gates
(with without related hardware) /
other declared specific uses and/or
uses subject other specific
requirements, particular noise,
energy, tightness and safety-in-use
(i. NOT for fire/smoke
compartmentation, NOT for escape
System 1
System 3
EAD 020011-00-0405
EN 13241:2003+A2:2016
EN 14351-1:2006+A1:2010
EN 14351-1:2006+A1:2010
EN 14351-1:2006+A2:2016
EN 14351-1:2006+A2:2016
EN 16034:2014
Product Certification
Testing Laboratory
Calculation body
99/94/ec Precast normal/lightweight/autoclaved
aerated concrete products (1/1) /
Precast normal/lightweight/autoclaved
aerated concrete products for
structural use, Precast
normal/lightweight/autoclaved aerated
concrete products (1/1) /
Prefabricated reinforced components
of autoclaved aerated concrete for
structural use, Beam/block Floor Units
and Elements incorporating organic
materials Beam/block floor units and
elements incorporating organic
materials for uses subject to
regulations reaction fire,
Beam/block Floor Units and Elements
incorporating organic materials /
Beam/block floor units and elements
incorporating organic materials for
uses subject regulations on
reaction fire
System 1
System 3
System 2+
EAD 200005-00-0103
EN 1168:2005+A3:2011
EN 12602:2008+A1:2013
EN 12602:2016
EN 12737:2004+A1:2007
EN 12794:2005+A1:2007
EN 12794:2005+A1:
EN 12843:2004
EN 13224:2011
EN 13225:2013
EN 13693:2004+A1:2009
EN 13747:2005+A2:2010
EN 13978-1:2005
EN 14843:2007
EN 14844:2006+A2:2011
EN 14991:2007
EN 14992:2007+A1:2012
EN 15037-1:2008
EN 15037-2:2009+A1:2011
EN 15037-3:2009+A1:2011
EN 15037-4:2010+A1:2013
EN 15037-5:2013
EN 15050:2007+A1:2012
EN 1520:2011
EN 15258:2008
Product Certification
FPC Certification Body
Testing Laboratory
(*)Use facilities outside the testing laboratory the notified body
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