Věstník 4/2024
Decision Product family Product Intended
Technical specifications Body function
different outer walls and possible
change outer wall used convey
the products combustion from
appliance the outside atmosphere
under dry and wet conditions,
operating under negative/positive
96/577/ec Fire alarm/detection, fixed fire-
fighting, fire and smoke control and
explosion suppression products (1/1) /
Fire hydrants fire safety
System 14339:2005 (*)
EN 14384:2005 (*)
Product Certification
97/176/ec Structural timber products (3/3) /
Fasteners for structural timber
products (connectors for timber, split
ring connectors, cylindrical steel and
wood dowels, wood screws, threaded
bolts, wood nails) for structural
timber products
System 14592:2008
EN 14592:2008+A1:2012
Testing Laboratory
97/464/ec Waste water engineering products
outside buildings (1/3) Kits and
elements for waste water treatment
plants and on-site treatment
equipment -Septic tanks used
outside buildings, for rain water,
faecal and organic effluents, Waste
water engineering products inside
buildings (2/2) Kits for waste water
pumping station and effluent lifting
plants for use inside building
System 12050-1:2001 (*)
EN 12050-2:2000 (*)
EN 12050-3:2000 (*)
EN 12050-4:2000 (*)
EN 12566-1:2000/A1:2003
EN 12566-3:2005+A2:2013
EN 12566-4:2007 (*)
Testing Laboratory
98/214/ec Structural metallic products and
ancillaries (1/4) Structural metallic
sections/profiles: hot rolled, cold
formed otherwise produced
sections/profiles with various shapes
(T, channels, angle,
hollow, tubes), flat products (plate,
sheet, strip), bars, castings, forgings
made various metallic materials,
unprotected protected against
corrosion coating used in
metal structures composite metal
and concrete structures, Structural
metallic products and ancillaries (2/4)
/ Structural metallic construction
members: finished metallic products
such trusses, girders, columns,
stairs, ground piles, bearing piles and
sheet piling, cut size sections
designed for certain applications, and
rails and sleepers. They can be
unprotected protected against
corrosion coating, welded not.R. /
for uses work's frames and
foundations, Structural metallic
products and ancillaries (4/4) /
Structural connectors: metallic rivets,
bolts (nuts and washers) and H.
bolts (high strength friction grip bolts),
studs, screws, railway fasteners for
uses structural metallic works
System 10025-1:2004
EN 10088-4:2009
EN 10088-5:2009
EN 10210-1:2006
EN 10219-1:2006
EN 10340:2007
EN 10340:2007/AC:2008
EN 10343:2009
EN 1090-1:2009
EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011
EN 1090-1:2009/AC:2010
EN 14399-1:2015
EN 15048-1:2007
EN 15088:2005
FPC Certification Body