System EAD 230012-00-0105
EAD 230012-01-0105
EAD 230145-00-0105
EN 12271:2006
EN 12273:2008
EN 12591:2009
EN 13108-1:2006
EN 13108-1:2006/AC:2008
EN 13108-2:2006
EN 13108-2:2006/AC:2008
EN 13108-3:2006
EN 13108-3:2006/AC:2008
EN 13108-4:2006
EN 13108-4:2006/AC:2008
EN 13108-5:2006
EN 13108-5:2006/AC:2008
EN 13108-6:2006
EN 13108-6:2006/AC:2008
EN 13108-7:2006
EN 13108-7:2006/AC:2008
EN 13808:2013
EN 13924:2006
EN 13924:2006/AC:2006
EN 14023:2010
EN 14695:2010
EN 15322:2013
FPC Certification Body
99/454/ec Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire
protection products (1/2) Fire
protective board, slab and mat
products and kits for fire
compartmentation and/or fire
protection fire performance, Fire
stopping, fire sealing and fire
protective products (2/2) Fire
protective board, slab and mat
products and kits for uses subject to
reaction fire regulations, Fire
stopping, fire sealing and fire
protection products (1/2) Fire
stopping and fire sealing products -
Penetration seals for fire
compartmentation and/or fire
protection fire performance, Fire
stopping, fire sealing and fire
protective products (2/2) Fire
stopping and fire sealing products -
Penetration seals for uses subject to
reaction fire regulations
System EAD 350142-00-1106
EAD 350454-00-1104
Product Certification
99/455/ec Timber frame and log prefabricated
building kits (1/1) Timber frame and
log prefabricated building kits (as
defined Annex building works
System EAD 340308-00-0203 Product Certification
page 20
.Věstník 6/2024
Decision Product family Product Intended
Technical specifications Body function
98/599/ec Liquid applied roof waterproofing kits
(3/3) Liquid applied roof
waterproofing kits for uses subject to
reaction fire regulations, Liquid
applied roof waterproofing kits (3/3) /
Liquid applied roof waterproofing on
the basis polysiloxane for uses
subject reaction fire regulations
System EAD 030019-00-0402
EAD 030350-00-0402
Product Certification
98/601/ec Road construction products (1/2) /
Bituminous mixtures for road
construction and surface treatment of
roads, Road construction products
(1/2) Surface treatments for surface
treatments roads, Road
construction products (1/2) Bitumen /
for road construction and surface
treatment roads, Road construction
products (1/2) Bridge deck
waterproofing products and kits for
bridge decks, Road construction
products (1/2) additives for asphalt
production additive from bitumen
granules made from recycled
bituminous roofing felt for road
construction and surface treatment of
roads, Road construction products
(1/2) Additives for asphalt production
- bitumen granules made from
recycled bituminous roofing felt /
additive the form bitumen
granules for the production asphalt
for roads. The bitumen granules are
added the asphalt production a
partial subsitute for virgin bitumen