Věstník 6/2024
Decision Product family Product Intended
Technical specifications Body function
Chimneys, flues and specific products
(1/1) Chimney kit with clay/ceramic
flue liner with classification T400
(minimum) N1/P1 Gxx and with
different outer walls and possible
change outer wall used convey
the products combustion from
appliance the outside atmosphere
under dry and wet conditions,
operating under negative/positive
pressure, Structural bearings (1/1) /
Cellular glass boards load bearing
layer and thermal insulation outside
the waterproofing buildings and
civil engineering works where
requirements individual bearings
are critical
96/579/ec Circulation fixtures (2/2) Road traffic
noise reducing devices and barriers /
for circulation areas
System 14388:2005
EN 14388:2005/AC:2008
Testing Laboratory
96/580/ec Curtain wallings (1/1) Curtain wall
kits external walls subject to
reaction fire requirements, Curtain
wallings (1/1) Curtain wall kits as
external walls subject reaction to
fire requirements, Curtain wallings
(1/1) Curtain wall kits external
walls subject reaction fire
requirements, Curtain wallings (1/1) /
Curtain wall kits external walls not
subject reaction fire
System 1
System 3
EN 13830:2003 Product Certification
Testing Laboratory