g. textiles, rubber, leather,
mdt 2005 devices manufactured using
mdt 2006 devices manufactured using chemical
mdt 2008 devices manufactured clean rooms
and associated controlled environments:
mdt 2010 devices manufactured using electronic
components including communication devices:
mdt 2011 devices which require packaging,
including labelling:
mdt 2012 devices which require installation,
page. infra-red, visible light and
ultra-violet) emitting equipment intended for use the
human body, including coherent and non-coherent
sources, monochromatic and broad spectrum, such as
lasers and intense pulsed light equipment, for skin
resurfacing, tattoo hair removal other skin treatment
mdt 2001 devices manufactured using metal
mdt 2002 devices manufactured using plastic
mdt 2003 devices manufactured using non-metal
mineral processing (e.g.Věstník 3/2024
Horizontal technical competences Limitations
mds 1010 devices with measuring function:
mds 1011 devices systems procedure packs:
mds 1012 products without intended medical
purpose listed annex Xvi regulation (eu) 2017/745:
Including only for products with high intensity
electromagnetic radiation (e.g. glass, ceramics):
mdt 2004 devices manufactured using non-metal
non-mineral processing (e