ČAS vydala aktuální věstník změn v ČSN pro březen 2024

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

Strana 48 z 81

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Poznámky redaktora
g. textiles, rubber, leather, paper): mdt 2005 devices manufactured using biotechnology: mdt 2006 devices manufactured using chemical processing: mdt 2008 devices manufactured clean rooms and associated controlled environments: mdt 2010 devices manufactured using electronic components including communication devices: mdt 2011 devices which require packaging, including labelling: mdt 2012 devices which require installation, refurbishment: page. infra-red, visible light and ultra-violet) emitting equipment intended for use the human body, including coherent and non-coherent sources, monochromatic and broad spectrum, such as lasers and intense pulsed light equipment, for skin resurfacing, tattoo hair removal other skin treatment mdt 2001 devices manufactured using metal processing: mdt 2002 devices manufactured using plastic processing: mdt 2003 devices manufactured using non-metal mineral processing (e.g.Věstník 3/2024 48 Horizontal technical competences Limitations mds 1010 devices with measuring function: mds 1011 devices systems procedure packs: mds 1012 products without intended medical purpose listed annex Xvi regulation (eu) 2017/745: Including only for products with high intensity electromagnetic radiation (e.g. glass, ceramics): mdt 2004 devices manufactured using non-metal non-mineral processing (e